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12 Properties for Sale, Commercial Property most recent, in Distrito de Lisboa, near Hospital
Restaurant Studio
União Freguesias Santa Maria, São Pedro e Matacães, Torres Vedras, Distrito de Lisboa
Used · 58m²
buy / rent
44.900 € / 500 €
Este estabelecimento de restauração é uma oportunidade imperdível para quem deseja iniciar um negócio numa localização estratégica no centro de Torres Vedras. Com uma renda acessível e todos os equipamentos necessários, está pronto para começar a funcionar.
Encontra-se totalmente equipado e mobiliado, com equipamentos semi-novos e uma decoração acolhedora e contemporânea. Possui 26 lugares sentados, com a possibilidade de expansão através da construção de uma esplanada.

Importante notar que a TV não está incluída no trespasse, pois está avariada sem possibilidade de reparo. No entanto, outros itens não visíveis nas fotos estão incluídos, como o sistema de CCTV, sistema de som e várias ferramentas e utensílios.

Valor de trespasse:44.900EUR( não fracionáveis)
Valor da renda:500 EUR. Contrato 5 anos

16 Cadeiras;
5 bancos de pé alto na montra;
6 Mesas tampo azul;
1 mesa de madeira maciça comprida fixa ao chão (10 lugares);
1 estante em ferro do chão ao teto;
2 bancos parede em pele, assento e costas;
2 tampos em vidro - um no balcão na janela e outro na mesa comprida de 10 lugares;
1 balcão de madeira maciça na montra;
6 candeeiros de parede e lâmpadas;
5 candeeiros de teto e lâmpadas (Na montra);
Sistema de CCTV, uma câmara.

1 estante em ferro no bar vertical;
1 estante de teto para copos, em ferro;
1 mesa repousa copos no bar por baixo do contador da agua;
1 Bancada frigorifica para bebidas de 2 portas em inox;
1 Arca frigorífica vertical de 5 prateleiras para sobremesas com porta de som;
1 sistema de som com hi-fi com 3 satélites e 1 subwoofer;
Sistema de CCTV, uma câmara apontada para caixa.

1 vidro temperado (montra para sala);
1 torradeira;
1 prateleira em inox;
1 bancada em inox uma prateleira;
1 bancada inox com prateleira onde tem:
1 placa de indução elétrica trifásico;
1 Fritadeira industrial de duas cubas;
1 Grelhador elétrico trifásico 808x530;
1 Exaustor industrial com filtro queimador de partículas de 3 filtros em inox (Hotte de parede aspirante cujo valor de aquisição foi de 8.241 EUR);
1 lava mãos pedal;
1 suporte para toalhas de mão;
1 Bancada em inox de 1 prateleira onde assenta:
1 forno industrial Unox convector trifásico com tabuleiros (valor de aquisição: 4.366,50EUR);
1 extrator de fumos industrial;
1 bancada inox com uma prateleira preparação;
1 Armário de parede em inox de 2 portas;
1 Frigorífico vertical com mostrador de temperatura;
1 Arca frigorifica congeladora vertical com mostrador de temperatura;
3 prateleiras em madeira para arrumação por cima do frigorifico e arca congeladora;
Sistema de CCTV, uma câmara.

Copa suja:
1 Máquina de lavar loiça;
1 Bancada lava loiça em inox;
1 termoacumulador 50 litros;
1 balde do lixo de pedal.

Copa limpa:
1 Bancada preparação com arca frigorífica 3 portas e cuba copa limpa.

Zona Wc pessoal:
4 prateleiras de arrumação na zona de WC pessoal;
1 lava mãos de pedal;
1 Armário plástico de 2 portas no WC pessoal;
1 balde inox para toalete de mão no WC cliente.

1 máquina industrial de picar carne;
1 Ar condicionado industrial frio/calor ;
1 Caixa registadora Winrest (sem licenciamento);
1 Cortina de ar na porta de entrada;
1 equipamento mata moscas por cima da porta de entrada;
2 rolos tipo black out pretos na montra da loja;
3 cortinas/rolo no vidro da cozinha.

-tábuas de corte;
-tabuleiros de forno;
-tábuas de madeira para servir;
-contentores de plástico para alimentos e etc;
-talheres; Copos; Pratos, cestos para servir pão, cesto de metal;
-caixa de plástico para arrumação;
-régua na parede para facas e utensílios.

-Todas as benfeitorias, melhorias e adaptações efetuadas no imóvel: Paredes em pladur com moldura e pintadas estilo pepper grey; chão flutuante tipo carvalho, canalização e instalação elétrica totalmente novas, instalação necessária para extração de fumos etc..

Licença de Utilização: 176/2014
Laundrette / Dry Cleaner
Lumiar, Lisboa, Distrito de Lisboa
Used · 64m²
buy / rent
80.000 € / 700 €
Trespasse 80.000€ Investimento sólido e com potencial de crescimento. Esta é a oportunidade de adquirir uma lavandaria bem estabelecida, localizada no coração do Lumiar, com espaço para expansão.

Características Principais:

Localização privilegiada com grande fluxo de clientes.
Área espaçosa de 60.70m², com espaço para mais uma máquina de lavar e engomadoria.
Renda atrativa até renda 700€ até Janeiro. Em 2025 a renda será de 720€ e 2026 será 740€
Próximo a múltiplos estabelecimentos comerciais e residenciais.
Potencial de crescimento com a adição de uma máquina de lavar extra e serviços de engomadoria.

? Oportunidades de Crescimento:

Espaço disponível para expandir os serviços de engomadoria, atendendo a demanda crescente na área.
Proximidade a diversos prédios residenciais, garantindo um fluxo constante de clientes em busca de serviços de lavanderia.
Novos prêmios já prontos a menos de 100m, facilitando parcerias e atração de clientes.

? Investimento Lucrativo:

Este trespasse oferece uma oportunidade única de investimento com retorno garantido. Com uma base sólida e potencial de crescimento, você estará entrando em um mercado próspero e em constante demanda.

Entre em contato agora mesmo para mais informações e garanta o seu futuro empresarial neste promissor empreendimento no Lumiar.


Solid investment with growth potential. This is the opportunity to acquire a well-established laundrette, located in the heart of Lumiar, with room for expansion.

? Main features:

Privileged location with a large flow of customers.
Spacious area of 60.70m², with room for another washing machine and ironing.
Attractive rent up to 700€ until January. In 2025 the rent will be 720€ and in 2026 it will be 740€.Potential for growth with the addition of an extra washing machine and ironing services.

?Growth opportunities:

Space available to expand ironing services, meeting growing demand in the area.
Proximity to several residential buildings, ensuring a constant flow of customers looking for laundry services.
New awards already ready less than 100m away, facilitating partnerships and attracting customers.

? Profitable investment:

This leaseback offers a unique investment opportunity with a guaranteed return. With a solid base and potential for growth, you will be entering a thriving market that is in constant demand.

Contact us now for more information and secure your business future in this promising venture in Lumiar.


Un investissement solide avec un potentiel de croissance. C’est l’occasion d’acquérir une laverie bien établie, située au cœur de Lumiar, avec une marge d’expansion.

? Caractéristiques principales :

Emplacement privilégié avec un flux important de clients.
Surface spacieuse de 60,70m², avec de la place pour une autre machine à laver et un repassage.
Loyer attractif jusqu’à 700 € jusqu’en janvier. En 2025, le loyer sera de 720€ et en 2026 de 740€.Proche de plusieurs établissements commerciaux et résidentiels.
Potentiel de croissance avec l’ajout d’une machine à laver supplémentaire et de services de repassage.

?Possibilités de croissance :

Espace disponible pour développer les services de repassage et répondre à la demande croissante dans la région.
Proximité de plusieurs immeubles résidentiels, assurant un flux constant de clients à la recherche de services de blanchisserie.
Nouveaux prix de prêt-à-porter à moins de 100 mètres, facilitant les partenariats et attirant les clients.

? Investissement rentable :

Ce leaseback offre une opportunité d’investissement unique avec un rendement garanti. Avec une base solide et un potentiel de croissance, vous entrerez sur un marché florissant qui est en demande constante.

Contactez-nous dès maintenant pour plus d’informations et assurez l’avenir de votre entreprise dans cette entreprise prometteuse à Lumiar.

Sólida inversión con potencial de crecimiento. Esta es la oportunidad de adquirir una lavandería bien establecida, situada en el corazón de Lumiar, con espacio para la expansión.

? Características principales:

Ubicación privilegiada con gran afluencia de clientes.
Amplia superficie de 60,70m², con espacio para otra lavadora y plancha.
Alquiler atractivo hasta 700€ hasta enero. En 2025 el alquiler será de 720€ y en 2026 de 740€.Cercano a múltiples establecimientos comerciales y residenciales.
Potencial de crecimiento con la adición de una lavadora adicional y servicios de planchado.

?Oportunidades de crecimiento:

Espacio disponible para ampliar los servicios de planchado, satisfaciendo la creciente demanda de la zona.
Proximidad a varios edificios residenciales, lo que garantiza un flujo constante de clientes que buscan servicios de lavandería.
Nuevas adjudicaciones a menos de 100 metros, facilitando las asociaciones y atrayendo clientes.

? Inversión rentable:

Este leaseback ofrece una oportunidad de inversión única con una rentabilidad garantizada. Con una base sólida y potencial de crecimiento, entrará en un mercado próspero y en constante demanda.

Contáctenos ahora para más información y asegure el futuro de su negocio en este prometedor emprendimiento en Lumiar.
Torres Vedras (São Pedro e Santiago), União Freguesias Santa Maria, São Pedro e Matacães, Distrito de Lisboa
Used · 58m²
buy / trespass
44.900 €
Transfer of a restaurant establishment (BAR/RESTAURANT) with a privileged location in the centre of the city of Torres Vedras, with several accesses and a crossing point for many citizens and tourists. It has an operating license until 2:00 a.m. and is fully equipped and furnished with semi-new and modern equipment.

The kitchen is visible, it has a huge window for the lounge, which has 26 seats but with the possibility of more. An ideal establishment for any branch of the hotel industry, such as snack bar, burger restaurant, snack bar or brunch. The establishment also has 2 bathrooms, one of them for the staff, in the private area.

*The monthly rent is 500 euros and the contract is for 5 years.

*The items included in the transfer are:

- Operating license until 02:00, improvements, improvements and adaptations made to the property. Plasterboard walls painted in Pepper grey style, floating floors, new plumbing and electrical installation, smoke extraction installation, etc.
- The list of equipment that is included:
*Living room
16 Chairs
5 high-standing stools in the storefront
6 Blue top tables
1 long solid wood table fixed to the floor (10 seats)
1 floor-to-ceiling iron bookcase in the living room
2 leather wall seats, seat and back
2 glass tops. One on the counter at the window and the other at the long 10-seater table
1 solid wood counter in the shop window
6 wall lamps and lamps
5 ceiling lamps and lamps (In the shop window)
CCTV system, one camera

1 iron bookcase on the vertical bar
1 ceiling shelf for glasses, iron
1 table rests glasses on the bar under the water meter
1 2-door stainless steel drinks cooler (from the bar)
1 5-Shelf Upright Dessert Freezer with Sound Door
1 Hi-Fi sound system with 3 satellites and 1 subwoofer
CCTV system, one camera pointed at the cashier

1 tempered glass (living room showcase)
1 toaster
1 stainless steel shelf
1 stainless steel worktop, one shelf
1 stainless steel worktop with shelf where you have:
1 three-phase electric induction hob
1 Two-bowl industrial fryer
1 Three-phase electric grill 808x530
1 Industrial extractor hood with particulate burner filter with 3 stainless steel filters (vacuum-mounted fume hood whose purchase price was 8,241 EUR);
1 hand wash pedal
1 hand towel holder
1 stainless steel worktop with 1 shelf where it sits:
1 Unox three-phase convector industrial oven with trays (purchase price: 4.366,50EUR)
1 industrial fume extractor
1 stainless steel worktop with a preparation shelf
1 2-door stainless steel wall cabinet
1 Upright refrigerator with temperature display
1 Upright Freezer Freezer Chest with Temperature Dial
3 wooden shelves for storage above the fridge and freezer
CCTV system, one camera

*Dirty canopy
1 Dishwasher
1 stainless steel sink worktop
1 water heater 50 litres
1 pedal trash can

*Clean canopy
1 Preparation bench with 3-door refrigerator and clean pantry tub

*Personal Toilet Area:
4 storage shelves in the personal toilet area
1 pedal hand wash
1 2-door plastic cabinet in personal bathroom;
1 stainless steel bucket for hand toilet in the client toilet

1 industrial meat mincing machine
1 Industrial air conditioner cold/heat
1 Winrest cash register (unlicensed)
1 Air curtain at the entrance door
1 fly swatter above the entrance door
2 black out rolls in the shop window
3 blinds/roll in kitchen glass

-cutting boards,
-Baking trays
-wooden serving boards
- plastic containers for food and etc,
-cutlery; Cups; Plates, bread serving baskets, metal basket.
-Plastic box for storage.
-Ruler on the wall for knives and utensils

Come and meet us! Schedule your visit now!

REF. 5145WE

* All the information presented is not binding, it does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator, as well as the consultation of the property documentation *
Wine Cellar
Bonabal, Ventosa, Torres Vedras, Distrito de Lisboa
Used · 164m²
76.000 €
Winery with high potential, inserted in the centre of a small town with everything you need nearby.

Consisting of a large living room of 165m2 (cellar), bathroom of 4m2 and patio of 32m2, you can convert it into a bold project, for housing or even for future profitability.

20 minutes from the historic village of Mafra and 15 minutes from the city of Torres Vedras, where the offer of services is extensive. In this beautiful city known for its epic carnival, you will find everything from good restaurants, hypermarkets, local shops, public transport, top pastry shops, gas stations, nightlife and daytime entertainment venues to green spaces, children’s play areas and outdoor sports.

Schedule your visit now!


* All the information presented is not binding, it does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator, as well as the consultation of the property documentation *

Santa Cruz is a place of wave sports, here official events of the international circuits of various modalities are held. Since 2007, the ’Ocean Spirit’ festival has been held here, an international festival of wave sports and music that attracts people from all over the world.

Torres Vedras is a municipality marked by its essentially agricultural economy and its landscape of vineyards, with the smell of the Atlantic Sea. This is an excellent region that has good wine and delicious gastronomy to experience!

A traditional fishing village, Ericeira developed a lot during the XVI century. XXI due to the growing demand as a walking area, while maintaining its original characteristics and a very unique atmosphere. In 2011 it was consecrated by the international organisation ’Save the Waves Coalition’ as a World Surfing Reserve. Mafra is a place of experiences and emotions; Get to know its historical and cultural richness, flavours and traditions. Visit the fantastic monuments, gardens and local handicrafts.

Mortgage loans? No worries! We are a credit intermediary and take care of the entire process until the day of the deed. Explain your situation to us and we will look for the bank that provides you with the best financing conditions.
Commercial space
Parque das Nações, Lisboa, Distrito de Lisboa
Used · 282m²
With Garage
1.550.000 €
Excellent shops, with a combined 282 sqm floor area, located in the most central area of Parque das Nações, next to the Casino of Lisbon and surrounded by a vast offer of local business and services, in addition to excellent landmarks such as the Vasco da Gama Shopping Centre, the Oceanarium of Lisbon, Marina and Altice Arena, combined with a high number of headquarters of companies around it, guaranteeing a very large and regular flow of people passing through.

The area is also very well equipped with restaurants and hotel services, a few hundred metres from Gare do Oriente, with a wide range of public transportation (subway, train, buses and taxis, among others), as well as a wide range of public parking spaces, some of them with electrical chargers, literally at your doorstep, allowing your customers and visitors the comfort of quick accesses to your services.

It also has privileged road accesses to the main roads to any point of the city and surroundings.

Its generous total floor area and location, complemented with the 6 (six) private parking spaces in the garage, constitute a rare and excellent commercial offer in this area that has a high demand for investments in various commercial activities.

Do not miss this great opportunity to invest in a unique space and with a great commercial return in one of the most exclusive and sought after areas of Parque das Nações.

We are waiting for your contact and to schedule a visit.

Thank you.
Estrada Benfica, São Domingos de Benfica, Lisboa, Distrito de Lisboa
Refurbished · 134m²
250.000 €
For Transfer - Assignment of Quotas

Restaurant/Pastry for transfer in São Domingos de Benfica, next to Estrada de Benfica, near the S.D.Benfica Market and Red Cross Hospital.

Restaurant to work, with meal service and cafeteria, distributed over 2 floors, R / c and basement, with equipped kitchen, and all the furniture.

This commercial space, has ’house’ made, with large portfolio of customers, being in an area of plenty of pedestrian passage, and a lot of visibility.

It has a dining room in the basement, and a terrace outside. There are 40 seats inside + 24 seats on the terrace.

Company with 3 employees.

Excellent business with good annual profitability.

The rent of the space is 1600 € / month.
Coffee Shop / Snack Bar
Estádio Universitário de Lisboa, Alvalade, Distrito de Lisboa
Used · 57m²
With Garage
280.000 €
Café/Snack Bar - Venda de imóvel com negócio em pleno funcionamento.

Tem 15 lugares sentados no interior do estabelecimento e 23 lugares no exterior com a esplanada fechada, podendo expandir até 40 com a esplanada aberta. Não paga licença de utilização de via pública.

Estabelecimento com saída de fumos, ar condicionado, máquina de pagamento automático, totalmente equipado e funcional. Consome em média 1kg café por dia, tem um ticket médio de 150 vendas por dia, consumo de 12.000lt de imperial por ano.

Localizado junto à Cidade Universitária, Universidade Católica e Hospital de Santa Maria, com excelentes acessos e facilidade de estacionamento, ótima clientela.

Tem ainda um lugar de parqueamento no piso -1 e arrecadação.

Área Bruta Privativa - 40 m2
Área Bruta Dependente - 17,5 m2

Disponível para venda ou trespasse. Motivo da cedência do negócio: doença do proprietário.
Funeral Home
Alto de São João (São João), Penha de França, Lisboa, Distrito de Lisboa
Refurbished · 4m²
32.000 €
Chapel vault with capacity for 20 urns in Alto de São João Cemetery

In the remarkable and secular Cemitério do Alto de São João, between the calm and the calming Tagus, we find this excellent opportunity to acquire this admirable chapel to honor, honor the memory of our esteemed, loved ones.

Interior in excellent condition

Capacity for 8 Urns
With Crypt for 12 urns
Front - 2.00
Face to Back - 2.30

742, 718.


Green Line.

Our opening hours:
From Monday to Friday, from 10:30 am to 6:30 pm. Saturday from 10 am to 3 pm.
We are closed on Sundays and holidays.
See you soon,
Nursing Home
Alcoentre, Azambuja, Distrito de Lisboa
Used · 3,057m²
550.000 €
Looking for your next investment in gerontology? Then it’s in the right ad for you.
This property is divided into a nursing home, with capacity for 13 users, and a house for housing, with the possibility of presenting a project for the expansion of the home, for 30 more users. With an area of 3057m2, you can find the quiet of a village, combined with the harmony of bird singing and green spaces in its surroundings.
With rising and west sun exposure, you can also find in its vicinity minimarkets, public transport, firefighters, among others.
It is only forty minutes away from Lisbon that you can find your next investment, in order to be able to provide quality of life to a generation of many learningand teachings.
Ask for more information now!
Bed & Breakfast
Campo Grande, Alvalade, Lisboa, Distrito de Lisboa
New · 140m²
With Garage
Debruçado sobre um dos maiores e bem reabilitados jardins públicos de Lisboa, o Campo Grande 200 (Two Hundred, seu nome comercial) é promovido pelo Grupo Tricos e tem projecto de arquitectura do atelier Saraiva + Associados. Trata-se de um projecto residencial «prime» e está prestes a ser inaugurado.

O projecto global reúne um imóvel feito de raiz e a reabilitação integral de um imóvel antigo com uma bela e original fachada, num total de 10 mil metros quadrados de área construída.

Um complexo de 47 apartamentos com tipologias T1 a T4, T2 duplex e T4 duplex, e áreas entre 55 m2 e os 285 m2, estão equipados com sofisticados e nobres materiais, confortáveis e acabamentos de excelência.

Envolto pelos mais importantes polos culturais e áreas de lazer circundadas pela extensa mancha verde do jardim, este é o seu lugar e o lugar de gerações passadas, em que Lisboa não poderia ser tão central.

Todos os apartamentos terão lugar de garagem e o empreendimento irá dispor de piscina interior, sauna, e ginásio.
Baixa (São Nicolau), Santa Maria Maior, Lisboa, Distrito de Lisboa
Used · 117m²
1.200.000 €
Excellent opportunity for investment.

Great restaurant for sale in full operation, with terrace. Benefits from a privileged location, in the middle of Downtown, area of great tourist circulation.

Restaurant recommended by Zomato.

With a contemporary décor in the middle of the historic area.

The property is leased with a contract until July 2023.
Parque das Nações, Lisboa, Distrito de Lisboa
Used · 123m²
With Garage
buy / trespass
65.000 €
Shop/restaurant very well located in the Parque das Nações, South zone. Areas approx. 123 m2 + terrace 36 m2. Large terrace. 2 garage.
Place of Commerce and services.
Near the Aquarium. Pavilion of knowledge. College. Marina. Park. Gardens.
Approximate areas: 123 m2 + terrace 36 m2 tardoz.
Ceiling height: 5 metres. Two parking places at the level of the basement.
Two bathrooms and cloakroom staff. Twenty seats.
Possibility of use of installation of terrace tables.
Large terrace with 40 seats. Fully furnished and equipped. Is sold free of burden and charges and any kind of contracts.
See more Properties for Sale, Commercial Property in Distrito de Lisboa
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