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77 Properties for least recent, Under construction in Matosinhos, view Sea
Apartment Block
Exponor (Leça da Palmeira), Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 5,161m²
With Garage
215.000 €
Empreendimento Leça Mar, em Leça da Palmeira. Desde 215.000 €

Excelente empreendimento, LEÇA MAR, em construção numa zona nobre que é muito requisitada, próximo das Torres do Arqº. Siza Vieira, junto ao Entre Quintas, em frente à Exponor, próximo do Pingo Doce, Quinta da Conceição, do Centro Hípico e da praia, Marshopping, Norteshopping, Hospital e Instituto da CUF, Hospital Pedro Hispano, Hipermercados e Supermercados diversos, escolas primárias e secundárias, Porto Business School, PSP e Hotel Holidayinn.

Este Empreendimento é composto por dois blocos com apartamentos de tipologia T2 e T3 a partir de 215.000 € que se localizam numa zona residencial por excelência e bastante sossegada, apresentando ainda muito boas acessibilidades à cidade do Porto, Porto de Leixões, às praias de Leça da Palmeira e Matosinhos, ao Castelo do Queijo, à Foz do Douro, bem como ao Aeroporto Sá Carneiro.

Os apartamentos que compõem este empreendimento primam pela qualidade de construção e arrojo arquitetónico, pelas boas áreas, varandas com um espaço interessante e versátil, sendo as vistas para o Oceano Atlântico uma mais valia da urbanização.

Leça Mar é um empreendimento cheio de status, em Leça da Palmeira, construído para pessoas diferenciadas. Cada detalhe foi muito bem pensado para o seu conforto, com os melhores acabamentos disponíveis no mercado.

Destacamos os seguintes acabamentos: Aquecimento de águas através de bomba de calor, ar condicionado de elevada eficiência energética, dois elevadores topo de gama, estores elétricos, cozinhas equipadas, entre outros.

O empreendimento tem todas as frentes com boa exposição solar, o que lhe confere ótima iluminação natural e luminosidade.

Todos os apartamentos têm disponível um lugar de garagem na cave (Box, se aplicável e disponível).

Condições especiais para aquisição do imóvel até ao momento da escritura. Temos parceria com empresa que tem protocolo com vários Bancos onde poderá beneficiar das melhores taxas de juro. Sinta-se acompanhado desde o início, durante todo o processo e até à escritura.

Pretende saber mais?
Contacte-nos para agendar visita ou receber informações adicionais. Teremos todo o gosto em ajudar a concretizar o seu sonho!

Leça da Palmeira foi uma freguesia do concelho de Matosinhos, com 5,97 km² de área, 18.502 habitantes (segundo o censo de 2011) e uma densidade populacional de 3.099,2 hab/km². Integra, em conjunto com a freguesia de Matosinhos, a cidade de Matosinhos.

Leça da Palmeira e Siza Vieira
Foi extinta em 2013, no âmbito de uma reforma administrativa nacional, tendo sido agregada à freguesia de Matosinhos, para formar uma nova freguesia denominada União das Freguesias de Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira com a sede em Matosinhos.

Leça da Palmeira é conhecida pela Casa de Chá da Boa-Nova e pela Piscina das Marés, ambas obras do ilustre arquiteto matosinhense Siza Vieira. Leça é também famosa pelas suas praias, espaços verdes, Porto de Mar, Refinaria da Galp, Exponor e mais recentemente pelo espaço comercial IKEA.

Leça da Palmeira é:
Uma cidade fortemente urbanizada, mas com inúmeros locais de interesse turístico e cultural:
Salão de Chá da Boa Nova e Piscina das Marés, ambas obras do arquiteto Siza Vieira.
Farol da Boa Nova, o segundo maior de Portugal.
Museu da Quinta de Santiago, onde funciona o Centro de Arte de Matosinhos.
Igreja Matriz; obra do século XVIII com um belíssimo altar em talha dourada na capela-mor e onde se pode contemplar uma estátua da Senhora da Conceição, obra de Diogo Pires (o Velho), datada de 1483.
Oito capelas, de idades e estilos variados, mas que ilustram a vivacidade das gentes da terra: Capela do Monte Espinho, Capela do Ruas, Capela do Corpo Santo; Capela da Senhora da Piedade, Capela de Santa Ana; Capela de S. Francisco, Capela de Santa Catarina e Capela de S. Clemente das Penhas (Boa Nova).
Museu da Associação Humanitária dos Bombeiros Voluntários de Matosinhos-Leça, onde se pode contactar com o passado.
Ponte móvel, que é singular no contexto nacional.
Monumento de homenagem ao poeta António Nobre, famoso poeta português.
Forte Nossa Senhora das Neves, belo exemplar de uma fortaleza defensiva.
Arco manuelino, que se pode contemplar na Quinta da Conceição;
Edifício das Alfândegas (Porto e Leixões), belas obras de arquitetura.
Castelinho da Praia de Leça.
Titan, símbolo de força e que acompanhou todo o processo de construção do Porto de Leixões.
Gare marítima de passageiros, por onde ainda hoje passam os turistas que nos visitam e que andam em cruzeiro pelo mundo.
Ruínas de um moinho, símbolo de outros tempos.

Para além destas verdadeiras obras de arte construídas pelo homem, temos ainda uma grande área verde e uma bela costa marítima, onde podemos gozar verdadeiros momentos de prazer em contacto com a Natureza ou, simplesmente, contemplando-a:
Quinta da Conceição e Quinta de Santiago, duas belíssimas quintas, com jardins idílicos e onde podemos passar momentos inesquecíveis em contacto com a Natureza, praticar desporto ou visitar o Museu.
Praias maravilhosas, que outrora foram polo de atração das camadas mais altas da sociedade, não só portuense, mas nortenha. Ver o pôr do sol numa das praias de Leça é algo que nunca mais se esquece.

Mas hoje em dia qualidade de vida sem desporto não é qualidade de vida. Por isso, em Leça da Palmeira, também existem áreas/recintos desportivos que são de visitar:
Centro Hípico Matosinhos-Porto, com espaço para hospedagem de animais, escola de aprendizagem e pista de obstáculos.
Estádio do Leça Futebol Clube.
Parque Desportivo de Leça.
Marina, com os seus clubes náuticos e escolas de formação.

Por fim, as atividades económicas. Leça é uma terra de mar e para além das praias oferece uma enorme variedade de restaurantes, quase todos de excelente qualidade. Contudo, a nível económico temos de referir alguns lugares que marcam toda a freguesia e que são dignos de serem contemplados:

Porto de Leixões, um dos maiores e melhores organizados do país.
Exponor, um dos maiores centros de exposição do norte.
Refinaria da Petrogal.

Leça da Palmeira foi uma cidade que nasceu em torno de dois pólos: o mar e a terra. Daí que as tradições se dividam entre as atividades ligadas ao mar e as ligadas à agricultura. Na conservação e divulgação destas tradições é de salientar o trabalho desenvolvido pelo Rancho Folclórico da Amorosa, que é reconhecido a nível mundial, tendo percorrendo já inúmeros países.

As principais festividades em Leça da Palmeira são:
Festas da cidade, em julho, onde se realiza simultaneamente o Festival Internacional de Folclore, em que participam vários grupos de diferentes áreas do globo, desde a América Latina ao Extremo Oriente.
Visita Pascal, onde a saída e entrada das cruzes são o ponto alto e atraem muitos fiéis das terras vizinha;
Procissões. Ao longo do ano são várias, mas há algumas que impressionam pela sua grandeza e que são foco de atração de pessoas a Leça da Palmeira: Procissão dos Passos; Procissão do Senhor Morto; Procissão do Corpo de Deus e Procissão das Velas.

Por tudo isto, parece que Leça da Palmeira merece ser explorada por quem cá vive e descoberta por quem a visita.
Matosinhos-Sul (Matosinhos), Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 6,276m²
With Garage
Empreendimento Novo Parque - Matosinhos Sul

Habitar o contexto urbano, com a envolvente da praia e do Parque da Cidade.

O Novo Parque situa-se na zona l de Matosinhos Sul, junto à Foz do Douro.

Trata-se de uma área residencial caracterizada por um tecido urbano revitalizado, integrado numa ampla envolvente natural, próximo à praia e ao Parque da Cidade, considerada a maior mancha verde da cidade do Porto.

Matosinhos caracteriza-se não apenas pela sua forte ligação ao mar e à gastronomia, mas também pela aposta em infra-estruturas que promovam o desenvolvimento social e cultural da cidade.

Localizado junto à marginal de Matosinhos, o empreendimento é composto por 73 apartamentos, divididos em dois lotes e nas tipologias T1, T2, T3 e T4.

A sua área de implantação permite desfrutar da proximidade à natureza, usufruindo de um conjunto de serviços que proporcionam uma melhoria da qualidade de vida.

O empreendimento Novo Parque será objeto de certificação, tanto ao nível da qualidade técnica de construção - DomusQual - como em termos de sustentabilidade - Domus Natura.
Este exigente processo de certificação imobiliária está a ser monitorizado pela consultora multinacional SGS, líder mundial desta atividade.
O projeto de arquitetura tem a assinatura da Iken Arquitetura - Fundada em 2008 e liderada por Cristóvão Iken, a empresa guia-se pelo propósito de conceber edifícios de gama alta que se traduzem em apartamentos modernos e inovadores com acabamentos de alta qualidade que dão primazia ao conforto e à qualidade de vida.
As condições de pagamento
- 30% com a assinatura do CPCV;
-40% com a conclusão da construção;
-restantes 30% com a Escritura.
Fim de construção Março de 2024
Apartment 4 Bedrooms +1
Matosinhos-Sul (Matosinhos), Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 235m²
With Garage
New Park Development - Matosinhos Sul
Inhabit the urban context, with the surrounding beach and the City Park. It is located in the Matosinhos Sul area, next to Foz do Douro.
It is a residential area characterized in a wide natural surroundings, close to the beach and the City Park, considered the largest green spot in the city of Porto

Located next to the city park the development consists of 73 apartments, divided into two lots and typologies T1, T2, T3 and T4.

Its area of implantation allows proximity to nature, taking advantage of a set of services that provide an improvement in the quality of life.

The Novo Parque project will be certified, both in terms of the technical quality of construction - DomusQual - and in terms of sustainability - Domus Natura.
This demanding real estate certification process is being monitored by multinational consultant SGS, the world leader in this activity.
The architectural project is signed by Iken Architecture - Founded in 2008 and led by Christopher Iken, the company is guided by the purpose of designing upscale buildings that translate into modern and innovative apartments with high quality finishes that give priority to comfort and quality of life.
Close to all international colleges.
Payment terms
- 30% with cpcv subscription;
- 10% after six months;
- 20% at the end of the year;
- 20% with the completion of construction;
- the remaining 20% with scripture.
Apartment 3 Bedrooms
Sardoal e Sol Poente, Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 71m²
With Garage
520.000 €
3 bedroom apartment with 112m2, with a balcony of 21m2, with 1 parking space and storage - in the 2nd line of the sea in Leça da Palmeira

The LIVING SARDOAL building, will be born in a privileged area of Leça da Palmeira. It is a quiet place, predominantly residential, 3 min walk from the beach, close to local commerce and services.

LIVING SARDOAL is being built to give privilege to quality of life, combining the design, quality of materials and functionality of all spaces.
Living in LIVING SARDOAL in Leça da Palmeira will allow you to enjoy:
Various beaches
Great marginal
All kinds of commerce and services
Several day care centers, elementary schools and a secondary school.
Possibility of practicing all water sports (surfing, sailing, kitesurfing).
Green spaces (Quintas da Conceição and Santiago).
Great restaurants
Bars and nightclub
Good access routes to both the North and South

Come and see this project.

Pedro Ramos Pinto Real Estate is located on The Esplanade of Castle No. 97, in Foz do Douro, in Porto.
We have a versatile team of commercials that works throughout the national market and we provide a personalized and complete service of administrative and legal monitoring to our clients.
We always work with confidentiality and base all our activity on these two principles, integrity and honesty.
Our primary orientation is the realization of profitable business and investments, ensuring daily and competent advice, ensuring the promotion of interests and wills between buyers and sellers and between owners and tenants.
Do not hesitate to contact Pedro Ramos Pinto Real Estate agency and now make an offer to visit.
You can also find us on Instagram via @imobiliariaprp page or visit our website at (url hidden)
Apartment 3 Bedrooms
Sardoal e Sol Poente, Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 112m²
With Garage
550.000 €
3 bedroom apartment with 112m2, a balcony with 21m2 and with 1 parking space + storage - in the 2nd line of the sea in Leça da Palmeira

The LIVING SARDOAL building, will be born in a privileged area of Leça da Palmeira. It is a quiet place, predominantly residential, 3 min walk from the beach, close to local commerce and services.

LIVING SARDOAL is being built to give privilege to quality of life, combining the design, quality of materials and functionality of all spaces.
Living in LIVING SARDOAL in Leça da Palmeira will allow you to enjoy:
Various beaches
Great marginal
All kinds of commerce and services
Several day care centers, elementary schools and a secondary school.
Possibility of practicing all water sports (surfing, sailing, kitesurfing).
Green spaces (Quintas da Conceição and Santiago).
Great restaurants
Bars and nightclub
Good access routes to both the North and South

Come and see this project.

Pedro Ramos Pinto Real Estate is located on The Esplanade of Castle No. 97, in Foz do Douro, in Porto.
We have a versatile team of commercials that works throughout the national market and we provide a personalized and complete service of administrative and legal monitoring to our clients.
We always work with confidentiality and base all our activity on these two principles, integrity and honesty.
Our primary orientation is the realization of profitable business and investments, ensuring daily and competent advice, ensuring the promotion of interests and wills between buyers and sellers and between owners and tenants.
Do not hesitate to contact Pedro Ramos Pinto Real Estate agency and now make an offer to visit.
You can also find us on Instagram via @imobiliariaprp page or visit our website at (url hidden)
Apartment 3 Bedrooms
São Mamede de Infesta e Senhora da Hora, Matosinhos, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 158m²
With Garage
571.710 €
Spacious 3-Bedroom Apartment with Two Box Garages and Balcony

Nestled within a contemporary development, this three-bedroom apartment boasts two box garages and a private balcony. The architectural design is characterised by clean, simple volumes and well-defined floors.

The buildings facing the public street are marked by a series of glass openings. In contrast, the blocks towards the rear of the lot offer a more immersive connection to the gardens, featuring extensive glass panes, outdoor balconies or terraces, and flower beds. This design fosters a natural dialogue between the interior and exterior spaces, enhancing the flow of natural light throughout the living areas.

The development comprises four interlinked blocks, connected by two common basement levels. Blocks adjacent to the street are designated A1 and A2, while those at the rear are labelled A3 and A4. Blocks A1 and A2 each have three floors, whereas blocks A3 and A4 are eight-storey structures.

Level -2: Fully dedicated to private parking and technical areas.
Level -1: Primarily used for private parking and technical spaces, but also includes residential units and a condominium meeting room. This level features five apartments, each with a private garden.
Ground Floor: Entirely residential, featuring common areas and access points to the building blocks. This level includes various landscaped communal areas.

A total of 25 apartments are located on this floor, most of which have access to a private garden or terrace:
Block A1: 4 apartments, all with private gardens.
Block A2: 3 apartments, all with private gardens.
Block A3: 9 apartments, 6 with private gardens, 1 with a private terrace.
Block A4: 9 apartments, 4 with private balconies, 2 with private gardens, and 1 with a private terrace.

All upper floors are residential, with each apartment featuring a private exterior balcony:

Block A1: 5 apartments per floor.
Block A2: 4 apartments per floor.
Block A3: 7 apartments per floor.
Block A4: 7 apartments per floor.
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Matosinhos Cidade (Matosinhos), Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 86m²
With Garage
440.000 €
2-Bedroom Apartment Golden View Metropolitan | Matosinhos

Key Features:

Total Gross Area: 118.67 sq m
Living Area: 86.25 sq m + 12.15 sq m balcony + 20.27 sq m garage
Orientation: West

The Golden View - Urban Design Apartments - Metropolitan consists of 5 shops and 53 apartments, from studios to 3-bedroom typologies, with parking, outdoor areas, and a panoramic terrace. Located near the beach in an expanding area of Matosinhos, the apartment sizes range from 35 to 252 sq m, with exterior spaces from 3 to 128 sq m.

Designed by Architect Mário Fróis do Amaral and developed by Grupo TEC, the Metropolitan offers a contemporary residential concept that combines sophistication with tranquillity. The building features modern architecture with floor-to-ceiling windows, natural materials, smart-home technology, and premium finishes.

Matosinhos combines the charm of the sea with vibrant city life, offering a unique quality of life with beaches, parks, schools, commerce, services, and excellent gastronomy. It’s well-connected to Porto by metro and major access routes, and also close to the airport, facilitating travel.

Expected Completion: June 2026
Apartment 3 Bedrooms
Matosinhos Cidade (Matosinhos), Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 123m²
With Garage
565.000 €
T3 com área bruta total de 166.29m2.
Área bruta de habitação: 123.81m2 + 13.19m2 de varanda + 29.29m2 de garagem.
Orientação: Norte/Poente

O Golden View - Urban Design Apartments - Metropolitan constituído por 5 lojas, 53 apartamentos T0 a T3 com estacionamento, zonas exteriores e terraço panorâmico está a nascer próximo da praia, numa área em expansão, em Matosinhos. Áreas variam entre os 35 e os 252 m2 e áreas exteriores desde 3m2 aos 128m2.

Inspirado numa forma contemporânea de encarar a vida, mais do que a sua nova casa, o Metropolitan apresenta-se como um conceito residencial contemporâneo, que combina sofisticação e tranquilidade. Um Edifício imponente que apresenta uma arquitectura de referência, com elementos de design modernos e elegantes, com janelas do chão ao tecto, materiais naturais, tecnologia ’smart-home’ e acabamentos premium, que privilegiam o conforto e bem-estar de toda a família. Um projeto da autoria do Arquitecto Mário Fróis do Amaral e promovido pelo Grupo TEC.

Para quem quer viver ou investir numa cidade vibrante e emergente.

Matosinhos é a combinação perfeita entre o mar e a cidade. É sinónimo de uma qualidade de vida única, com praia, parques, escolas, comércio e serviços, uma gastronomia de excelência. Ao lado do Porto, com Metro, conectada pelas principais vias de acesso a outras cidades e muito próxima do aeroporto, todas as viagens e deslocações são facilitadas.

Previsão de conclusão: Junho de 2026
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 75m²
With Garage
309.000 €
Brand new 2-bedroom apartment with 75 sqm of private gross floor area, two balconies of 6 sqm in total, a parking space and a storage room, in Flower Tower Camellia, in Leça da Palmeira, Matosinhos. The apartment has stratified oak wood flooring, an equipped kitchen, plenty of natural light and features modern and functional interiors.

The Flower Tower Camellia, a project designed by OODA architects, stands out for its architectural originality, inspired by organic elements of the neighbourhood. The apartments were designed in an efficient way, displaying a greater versatility and more flexibility in terms of layout and space, bringing innovation to the classic types. This combination between efficiency and functionality allows a greater use of space, ensuring storage and comfort. All units have modern interior finishes, enhanced by balconies, favouring natural light and the connection with the outdoors. Besides the storage room and the possibility of parking with electric car charging, Flower Tower Camellia features a multi-purpose room, private outdoor gardens, and a fitness area.

Located in a quiet residential area, in Leça da Palmeira, with excellent road connections, close to shops and services, and near the beach, the Flower Tower Camellia is less than a 10-minute drive from the cosmopolitan Matosinhos Sul and 15 minutes from the centre of Porto.

Experience the urban modernity of the apartments in the Flower Tower Camellia, a perfect combination of a relaxed lifestyle, close to the sea, and the convenience of being only a few minutes’ drive from the centre of Porto.
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 75m²
With Garage
314.500 €
Brand new 2-bedroom apartment with 75 sqm of private gross floor area, two balconies of 6 sqm in total, a parking space and a storage room, in Flower Tower Camellia, in Leça da Palmeira, Matosinhos. The apartment has stratified oak wood flooring, an equipped kitchen, plenty of natural light and features modern and functional interiors.

The Flower Tower Camellia, a project designed by OODA architects, stands out for its architectural originality, inspired by organic elements of the neighbourhood. The apartments were designed in an efficient way, displaying a greater versatility and more flexibility in terms of layout and space, bringing innovation to the classic types. This combination between efficiency and functionality allows a greater use of space, ensuring storage and comfort. All units have modern interior finishes, enhanced by balconies, favouring natural light and the connection with the outdoors. Besides the storage room and the possibility of parking with electric car charging, Flower Tower Camellia features a multi-purpose room, private outdoor gardens, and a fitness area.

Located in a quiet residential area, in Leça da Palmeira, with excellent road connections, close to shops and services, and near the beach, the Flower Tower Camellia is less than a 10-minute drive from the cosmopolitan Matosinhos Sul and 15 minutes from the centre of Porto.

Experience the urban modernity of the apartments in the Flower Tower Camellia, a perfect combination of a relaxed lifestyle, close to the sea, and the convenience of being only a few minutes’ drive from the centre of Porto.
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 75m²
With Garage
320.000 €
Brand new 2-bedroom apartment with 75 sqm of private gross floor area, two balconies of 6 sqm in total, a parking space and a storage room, in Flower Tower Camellia, in Leça da Palmeira, Matosinhos. The apartment has stratified oak wood flooring, an equipped kitchen, plenty of natural light and features modern and functional interiors.

The Flower Tower Camellia, a project designed by OODA architects, stands out for its architectural originality, inspired by organic elements of the neighbourhood. The apartments were designed in an efficient way, displaying a greater versatility and more flexibility in terms of layout and space, bringing innovation to the classic types. This combination between efficiency and functionality allows a greater use of space, ensuring storage and comfort. All units have modern interior finishes, enhanced by balconies, favouring natural light and the connection with the outdoors. Besides the storage room and the possibility of parking with electric car charging, Flower Tower Camellia features a multi-purpose room, private outdoor gardens, and a fitness area.

Located in a quiet residential area, in Leça da Palmeira, with excellent road connections, close to shops and services, and near the beach, the Flower Tower Camellia is less than a 10-minute drive from the cosmopolitan Matosinhos Sul and 15 minutes from the centre of Porto.

Experience the urban modernity of the apartments in the Flower Tower Camellia, a perfect combination of a relaxed lifestyle, close to the sea, and the convenience of being only a few minutes’ drive from the centre of Porto.
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 75m²
With Garage
325.500 €
Brand new 2-bedroom apartment with 75 sqm of private gross floor area, two balconies of 6 sqm in total, a parking space and a storage room, in Flower Tower Camellia, in Leça da Palmeira, Matosinhos. The apartment has stratified oak wood flooring, an equipped kitchen, plenty of natural light and features modern and functional interiors.

The Flower Tower Camellia, a project designed by OODA architects, stands out for its architectural originality, inspired by organic elements of the neighbourhood. The apartments were designed in an efficient way, displaying a greater versatility and more flexibility in terms of layout and space, bringing innovation to the classic types. This combination between efficiency and functionality allows a greater use of space, ensuring storage and comfort. All units have modern interior finishes, enhanced by balconies, favouring natural light and the connection with the outdoors. Besides the storage room and the possibility of parking with electric car charging, Flower Tower Camellia features a multi-purpose room, private outdoor gardens, and a fitness area.

Located in a quiet residential area, in Leça da Palmeira, with excellent road connections, close to shops and services, and near the beach, the Flower Tower Camellia is less than a 10-minute drive from the cosmopolitan Matosinhos Sul and 15 minutes from the centre of Porto.

Experience the urban modernity of the apartments in the Flower Tower Camellia, a perfect combination of a relaxed lifestyle, close to the sea, and the convenience of being only a few minutes’ drive from the centre of Porto.
Apartment 4 Bedrooms
Matosinhos-Sul (Matosinhos), Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 168m²
With Garage
900.000 €
4 bedroom apartments inserted in the new development Nautilus IV, a 6-storey building to be born in Matosinhos Sul. With high quality finishes, fully equipped kitchens, central heating and ceilings with crown moulding for lighting, among other equipment. All apartments have parking space and outdoor storage.

With a privileged location, very close to the beach and the City Park and, at the same time, with access to all kinds of shops, services, restaurants and transport.

We have only 3 fractions available of this type:

BN Fraction - T4.2 - Floor 6 - Orientation: south/north - Gross area: 168.34m2 + Balcony: 33.20m2 - €900.000,00
Fraction BO - T4.3 - Floor 6 - Orientation: south/north - Gross area: 168.33m2 + Balcony: 33.20m2 - €900.000,00

Deadline for completion of the work: November 2024

Pedro Ramos Pinto Real Estate is located at Esplanada do Castelo nº 97, in Foz do Douro, Porto. We have a versatile team of sales representatives who work throughout the national market and we provide a personalised and complete service of administrative and legal support to our clients. We always work with confidentiality and base all our activity on these two principles, integrity and honesty. Our primary orientation is the realisation of profitable business and investments, ensuring daily and competent advice, ensuring the promotion of interests and desires between buyers and sellers and between owners and tenants. Do not hesitate to contact Pedro Ramos Pinto Real Estate and schedule your visit now. You can also find us on Instagram through the @imobiliariaprp page or visit our website at www.imobiliariaprp.
Matosinhos-Sul (Matosinhos), Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 64m²
View Sea
265.000 €
Apartments of typology T2 inserted in the new development Nautilus IV, a building of 6 floors to be born in Matosinhos Sul. With high quality finishes, fully equipped kitchens, central heating and ceilings with sanca for lighting, among other equipment. All apartments have parking space and outdoor storage.

With a privileged location, very close to the beach and the City Park and, at the same time, with access to all kinds of commerce, services, restaurants and transport.

We have 11 fractions available of this typology:

Fraction E - T2.05 - Floor 0 - Orientation: north - Gross area: 82.10m2 + Balcony: 153.9m2 - €410,000.00
Fraction N - T2.07 - Floor 1 - Orientation: north - Gross area: 79.71m2 + Balcony: 3.60m2 - €330,000.00
Fraction S - T2.10 - Floor 1 - Orientation: north - Gross area: 83.74m2 - €330,000.00
Fraction T - T2.11 - Floor 1 - Orientation: north - Gross area: 78.38m2 + Balcony: 3.6m2 - €330,000.00
Fraction AI - T2.20 - Floor 3 - Orientation: north - Gross area: 79.9m2 + Balcony: 3.6m2 - €360,000.00
Fraction BC - T2.32 - Floor 5 - Orientation: north - Gross area: 79.9m2 + Balcony: 3.6m2 - €390,000.00
Fraction BG - T2.34 - Floor 5 - Orientation: north - Gross area: 80.14m2 + Balcony: 3.6m2 - €390,000.00
Fraction BL - T2.37 - Floor 6 - Orientation: north - Gross area: 78.68m2 + Balcony: 3.6m2 - €410,000.00
Fraction BM - T2.38 - Floor 6 - Orientation: north - Gross area: 78.68m2 + Balcony: 3.6m2 - €410,000.00
Fraction BP - T2.39 - Floor 6 - Orientation: north - Gross area: 78.68m2 + Balcony: 3.6m2 - €410,000.00
Fraction BQ - T2.40 - Floor 6 - Orientation: north - Gross area: 78.68m2 + Balcony: 3.6m2 - €410,000.00

Deadline for completion of the work: November 2024

The Real Estate Pedro Ramos Pinto is located on the Esplanade of Castle no. 97, in Foz do
Douro, in Porto.
We have a versatile team of commercials that works throughout the national market and
we provide a personalized and complete service of administrative and
to our clients.
We always work with confidentiality and base all our activity on these two
principles, integrity and honesty.
Our primary orientation is the realization of profitable business and investments,
ensuring daily and competent advice, ensuring the promotion of the interests of
and wills between buyers and sellers and between owners and tenants.
Do not hesitate to contact Pedro Ramos Pinto Real Estate agency and now make an offer to visit.
You can also find us on Instagram via the @imobiliariaprp or visit the
our website at www.imobiliariaprp.
Apartment 4 Bedrooms
Porto (Leça da Palmeira), Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 264m²
With Garage
2.500.000 €
Crowning a development of excellence are unique apartments. On the top floors (9th & 10th floor) of the first two buildings are the Duplex Rooftops and on the twenty-second floor of the third building, there is a Penthouse.

Comprising two luxurious suites and two bedrooms with a full support bathroom, where the Master Suite stands out with a balcony to the west with jacuzzi and a bathroom worthy of the best 5-star hotels, with two showers and a sculptural freestanding bathtub on the lower floor, we are welcomed by a large entrance hall, where the staircase and private elevator connect this floor with the upper floor.
Enjoying huge glazing that extends the spacious interior spaces to infinity, through balconies and terraces of extraordinary dimensions, the upper floor is where the entire social life of the house is organized. Allowing fluid circulation between all spaces and featuring generous full-height glazed windows on both fronts, this floor is crossed from east to west by abundant natural light throughout the day.
The east features a modern open space kitchen, with a peninsula that divides the workspace from a dining area and access to the outdoor terrace which, due to its size, can be used for a variety of uses. On the west side are the huge 30m2 dining room and 36m2 living room. These rooms communicate with the balcony to the west, with a landscape as far as the eye can see and where the sunset will be, daily, the ideal companion for a late afternoon well spent.

Luxury gated community, located in Leça da Palmeira, with contemporary architecture, including extensive gardens, swimming pool, paddle courts, games room, and gym. Comprising modern and comfortable 1-bed to 4-bed apartments, complemented with ten luxurious rooftop 3-bed and 4-bed Duplexes and a unique Penthouse. Contemplating high-quality finishes, generous balconies, and terraces with incredible views of the horizon and sea.
Taking advantage of the enormous quality of construction and the excellence of the finishes of the entire development, numerous important details were introduced here that place these apartments on an unparalleled level. With breathtaking views, enjoying a wide interior area, terraces to lose sight of, and a unique level of finishes, here you will find the perfect vehicle for an enviable lifestyle.

Inserted in a development where nothing was left to chance, and where quality is transversal through the adoption of constructive solutions of proven effectiveness and the selection of materials from reputable brands and of very high quality, the Duplex Rooftops, and the Penthouse goes even further.

- Private Homelift with clear glass door inside Duplex Rooftops
- Electric fireplace from BRITISH FIRES in living rooms
- Engineered Oak Flooring with a marine-grade plywood base from WEITZER PARKETT
- Bathroom flooring and wall cladding in large antibacterial Ceramic Stone Paraná Marble by ROCA TILES
- Bathroom countertop with integrated washbasin in white antibacterial KRION by PORCELANOSA
- GROHE antibacterial sanitary ware from the Essence series (minimalist range)
- GROHE Essence line sanitary fittings with a special Brushed Warm Sunset finish (brushed bronze):
- GROHE shower with 3-way thermostatic SMART Control system and built-in jets
- Freestanding bathtub Almond by PORCELANOSA 100% KRION (Master Suite)
- Kitchen countertop, sink, and the wall between cabinets in white antibacterial KRION from PORCELANOSA including a recess for dish drainer
- GROHE Blue Pure Minta sink mixer tap with separate handle for filtered water (includes a carbon filter to obtain filtered water directly from the tap)
- Top-of-the-range MIELE home appliances, including:
- 93cm wide induction hob
- Electric oven + steam oven + microwave + built-in coffee machine
- Side-by-side (refrigerator + freezer)
- Sommelier wine cellar with capacity for 83 bottles
- LED lighting with automatic activation inside wardrobes
- Safe and mini-bar in the Master Suite closet
- Home automation and wireless in all areas of the house
- Outdoor Jacuzzi with chromotherapy and massage mattress SPA LUZ ELEGANCE with capacity for 4 people (on the balcony of the Master Suite).- The garden of your house now has 8000m2. An invitation to relaxation and contact with nature.
- Diving in the pool or relaxing in the outdoor jacuzzi will be part of your day-to-day.
- Two padel courts. A fun and addictive sport that can be played by everyone.
- Train like an athlete, with Technogym technology at your disposal, in a 170m2 gym.
- Without leaving home, enjoy a massage and beauty salon with personalized service.
- Large room with 180m2 equipped with several pool and table tennis tables.
- A concierge for your convenience and security, available 24h a day, complemented by a video surveillance system.
- With today´s demands in mind, all parking spaces are equipped with electric charging points.

Ocean Terrace is located in Leça da Palmeira, in front of Exponor and next to the A28 highway, allowing quick access to Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport (7 min) and to Porto city center (10 min), as well as to any part of the country. Just a step away from Quinta da Conceição with its public gardens, cloister and Manueline portal, tennis courts, and swimming pool and from Quinta de Santiago with its House-Museum Ocean Terrace also has several commercial areas in the surroundings and is at a short walking distance of several local shops and services in the city center. The fabulous beaches of Leça da Palmeira are just 1 km away and are even accessible by taking the bike path and the city of Matosinhos and the metro station are just a bridge away.

Come and discover all that Ocean Terrace has to offer. Schedule your visit to the sales stand now and get closer to joining a new lifestyle.

Ocean Terrace, like a resort but at home!
Apartment 4 Bedrooms
Porto (Leça da Palmeira), Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 223m²
With Garage
2.100.000 €
Crowning a development of excellence are unique apartments. On the top floors (9th & 10th floor) of the first two buildings are the Duplex Rooftops and on the twenty-second floor of the third building, there is a Penthouse.

Comprising two luxurious suites and two bedrooms with a full support bathroom, where the Master Suite stands out with a balcony to the west with jacuzzi and a bathroom worthy of the best 5-star hotels, with two showers and a sculptural freestanding bathtub on the lower floor, we are welcomed by a large entrance hall, where the staircase and private elevator connect this floor with the upper floor.
Enjoying huge glazing that extends the spacious interior spaces to infinity, through balconies and terraces of extraordinary dimensions, the upper floor is where the entire social life of the house is organized. Allowing fluid circulation between all spaces and featuring generous full-height glazed windows on both fronts, this floor is crossed from east to west by abundant natural light throughout the day.
The east features a modern kitchen, with a huge full-length countertop in an area that connects to the laundry room and the outdoor terrace and a second area with tall cabinets, a high countertop for quick meals, and a connection to the dining room. In continuity with the living room, to the west, the dining room is arranged longitudinally, enjoying natural light and direct connection to the terrace, to the east, which, due to its size, can be used for a variety of uses. On the west side is the 30m2 living room, which, due to its configuration, allows the creation of a workspace in addition to the living area. This room communicates with the balcony to the west, enjoying a landscape as far as the eye can see and where the sunset will be, daily, the ideal companion for a well-spent late afternoon.

Luxury gated community, located in Leça da Palmeira, with contemporary architecture, including extensive gardens, swimming pool, paddle courts, games room, and gym. Comprising modern and comfortable 1-bed to 4-bed apartments, complemented with ten luxurious rooftop 3-bed and 4-bed Duplexes and a unique Penthouse. Contemplating high-quality finishes, generous balconies, and terraces with incredible views of the horizon and sea.

Taking advantage of the enormous quality of construction and the excellence of the finishes of the entire development, numerous important details were introduced here that place these apartments on an unparalleled level. With breathtaking views, enjoying a wide interior area, terraces to lose sight of, and a unique level of finishes, here you will find the perfect vehicle for an enviable lifestyle.

Inserted in a development where nothing was left to chance, and where quality is transversal through the adoption of constructive solutions of proven effectiveness and the selection of materials from reputable brands and of very high quality, the Duplex Rooftops, and the Penthouse goes even further.

- Private Homelift with clear glass door inside Duplex Rooftops
- Electric fireplace from BRITISH FIRES in living rooms
- Engineered Oak Flooring with a marine-grade plywood base from WEITZER PARKETT
- Bathroom flooring and wall cladding in large antibacterial Ceramic Stone Paraná Marble by ROCA TILES
- Bathroom countertop with integrated washbasin in white antibacterial KRION by PORCELANOSA
- GROHE antibacterial sanitary ware from the Essence series (minimalist range)
- GROHE Essence line sanitary fittings with a special Brushed Warm Sunset finish (brushed bronze):
- GROHE shower with 3-way thermostatic SMART Control system and built-in jets
- Freestanding bathtub Almond by PORCELANOSA 100% KRION (Master Suite)
- Kitchen countertop, sink, and the wall between cabinets in white antibacterial KRION from PORCELANOSA including a recess for dish drainer
- GROHE Blue Pure Minta sink mixer tap with separate handle for filtered water (includes a carbon filter to obtain filtered water directly from the tap)
- Top-of-the-range MIELE home appliances, including:
- 93cm wide induction hob
- Electric oven + steam oven + microwave + built-in coffee machine
- Side-by-side (refrigerator + freezer)
- Sommelier wine cellar with capacity for 83 bottles
- LED lighting with automatic activation inside wardrobes
- Safe and mini-bar in the Master Suite closet
- Home automation and wireless in all areas of the house
- Outdoor Jacuzzi with chromotherapy and massage mattress SPA LUZ ELEGANCE with capacity for 4 people (on the balcony of the Master Suite).- The garden of your house now has 8000m2. An invitation to relaxation and contact with nature.
- Diving in the pool or relaxing in the outdoor jacuzzi will be part of your day-to-day.
- Two padel courts. A fun and addictive sport that can be played by everyone.
- Train like an athlete, with Technogym technology at your disposal, in a 170m2 gym.
- Without leaving home, enjoy a massage and beauty salon with personalized service.
- Large room with 180m2 equipped with several pool and table tennis tables.
- A concierge for your convenience and security, available 24h a day, complemented by a video surveillance system.
- With today´s demands in mind, all parking spaces are equipped with electric charging points.

Ocean Terrace is located in Leça da Palmeira, in front of Exponor and next to the A28 highway, allowing quick access to Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport (7 min) and to Porto city center (10 min), as well as to any part of the country. Just a step away from Quinta da Conceição with its public gardens, cloister and Manueline portal, tennis courts, and swimming pool and from Quinta de Santiago with its House-Museum Ocean Terrace also has several commercial areas in the surroundings and is at a short walking distance of several local shops and services in the city center. The fabulous beaches of Leça da Palmeira are just 1 km away and are even accessible by taking the bike path and the city of Matosinhos and the metro station are just a bridge away.

Come and discover all that Ocean Terrace has to offer. Schedule your visit to the sales stand now and get closer to joining a new lifestyle.

Ocean Terrace, like a resort but at home!
Apartment 4 Bedrooms
Porto (Leça da Palmeira), Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 340m²
With Garage
3.300.000 €
Crowning a development of excellence are unique apartments. On the top floors (9th & 10th floor) of the first two buildings are the Duplex Rooftops and on the twenty-second floor of the third building, there is a Penthouse.

Comprising four luxurious suites, where the Master Suite stands out with a balcony to the west with jacuzzi and a WC worthy of the best 5-star hotels, with two showers and a sculptural freestanding bathtub on the lower floor, we are welcomed by a large entrance hall, where the staircase and private elevator connect this floor with the upper floor. Enjoying huge glazing that extends the spacious interior spaces to infinity, through balconies and terraces of extraordinary dimensions, the upper floor is where the entire social life of the house is organized. Allowing fluid circulation between all spaces and featuring generous full-height glazed windows on both fronts, this floor is crossed from east to west by abundant natural light throughout the day.
The east features a modern kitchen in open space, with a peninsula that divides the space but preserves the visual communication to the comfortable and large dining room with 32m2 which, in turn, extends to the outdoor terrace which, due to its size, can be used for a variety of uses. On the west side, there are two halls measuring 43m2 and 30m2 which, due to their configuration and location, can be adapted to the uses that the occupant deems fit, from the living room, lounge, cinema, or music room. Finally, these two rooms communicate with the balcony to the west, with extraordinary dimensions and landscape as far as the eye can see, where the sunset will be, daily, the ideal companion for a well-spent late afternoon.

Luxury gated community, located in Leça da Palmeira, with contemporary architecture, including extensive gardens, swimming pool, paddle courts, games room, and gym. Comprising modern and comfortable 1-bed to 4-bed apartments, complemented with ten luxurious rooftop 3-bed and 4-bed Duplexes and a unique Penthouse. Contemplating high-quality finishes, generous balconies, and terraces with incredible views of the horizon and sea.

Taking advantage of the enormous quality of construction and the excellence of the finishes of the entire development, numerous important details were introduced here that place these apartments on an unparalleled level. With breathtaking views, enjoying a wide interior area, terraces to lose sight of, and a unique level of finishes, here you will find the perfect vehicle for an enviable lifestyle.

Inserted in a development where nothing was left to chance, and where quality is transversal through the adoption of constructive solutions of proven effectiveness and the selection of materials from reputable brands and of very high quality, the Duplex Rooftops, and the Penthouse goes even further.

- Private Homelift with clear glass door inside Duplex Rooftops
- Electric fireplace from BRITISH FIRES in living rooms
- Engineered Oak Flooring with a marine-grade plywood base from WEITZER PARKETT
- Bathroom flooring and wall cladding in large antibacterial Ceramic Stone Paraná Marble by ROCA TILES
- Bathroom countertop with integrated washbasin in white antibacterial KRION by PORCELANOSA
- GROHE antibacterial sanitary ware from the Essence series (minimalist range)
- GROHE Essence line sanitary fittings with a special Brushed Warm Sunset finish (brushed bronze):
- GROHE shower with 3-way thermostatic SMART Control system and built-in jets
- Freestanding bathtub Almond by PORCELANOSA 100% KRION (Master Suite)
- Kitchen countertop, sink, and the wall between cabinets in white antibacterial KRION from PORCELANOSA including a recess for dish drainer
- GROHE Blue Pure Minta sink mixer tap with separate handle for filtered water (includes a carbon filter to obtain filtered water directly from the tap)
- Top-of-the-range MIELE home appliances, including:
- 93cm wide induction hob
- Electric oven + steam oven + microwave + built-in coffee machine
- Side-by-side (refrigerator + freezer)
- Sommelier wine cellar with capacity for 83 bottles
- LED lighting with automatic activation inside wardrobes
- Safe and mini-bar in the Master Suite closet
- Home automation and wireless in all areas of the house
- Outdoor Jacuzzi with chromotherapy and massage mattress SPA LUZ ELEGANCE with capacity for 4 people (on the balcony of the Master Suite).- The garden of your house now has 8000m2. An invitation to relaxation and contact with nature.
- Diving in the pool or relaxing in the outdoor jacuzzi will be part of your day-to-day.
- Two padel courts. A fun and addictive sport that can be played by everyone.
- Train like an athlete, with Technogym technology at your disposal, in a 170m2 gym.
- Without leaving home, enjoy a massage and beauty salon with personalized service.
- Large room with 180m2 equipped with several pool and table tennis tables.
- A concierge for your convenience and security, available 24h a day, complemented by a video surveillance system.
- With today´s demands in mind, all parking spaces are equipped with electric charging points.

Ocean Terrace is located in Leça da Palmeira, in front of Exponor and next to the A28 highway, allowing quick access to Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport (7 min) and to Porto city center (10 min), as well as to any part of the country. Just a step away from Quinta da Conceição with its public gardens, cloister and Manueline portal, tennis courts, and swimming pool and from Quinta de Santiago with its House-Museum Ocean Terrace also has several commercial areas in the surroundings and is at a short walking distance of several local shops and services in the city center. The fabulous beaches of Leça da Palmeira are just 1 km away and are even accessible by taking the bike path and the city of Matosinhos and the metro station are just a bridge away.

Come and discover all that Ocean Terrace has to offer. Schedule your visit to the sales stand now and get closer to joining a new lifestyle.

Ocean Terrace, like a resort but at home!
Apartment 4 Bedrooms
Porto (Leça da Palmeira), Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 264m²
With Garage
2.500.000 €
Crowning a development of excellence are unique apartments. On the top floors (9th & 10th floor) of the first two buildings are the Duplex Rooftops and on the twenty-second floor of the third building, there is a Penthouse.

Comprising two luxurious suites and two bedrooms with a full support bathroom, where the Master Suite stands out with a balcony to the west with jacuzzi and a bathroom worthy of the best 5-star hotels, with two showers and a sculptural freestanding bathtub on the lower floor, we are welcomed by a large entrance hall, where the staircase and private elevator connect this floor with the upper floor.
Enjoying huge glazing that extends the spacious interior spaces to infinity, through balconies and terraces of extraordinary dimensions, the upper floor is where the entire social life of the house is organized. Allowing fluid circulation between all spaces and featuring generous full-height glazed windows on both fronts, this floor is crossed from east to west by abundant natural light throughout the day.
The east features a modern open space kitchen, with a peninsula that divides the workspace from a dining area and access to the outdoor terrace which, due to its size, can be used for a variety of uses. On the west side are the huge 30m2 dining room and 36m2 living room. These rooms communicate with the balcony to the west, with a landscape as far as the eye can see and where the sunset will be, daily, the ideal companion for a late afternoon well spent.

Luxury gated community, located in Leça da Palmeira, with contemporary architecture, including extensive gardens, swimming pool, paddle courts, games room, and gym. Comprising modern and comfortable 1-bed to 4-bed apartments, complemented with ten luxurious rooftop 3-bed and 4-bed Duplexes and a unique Penthouse. Contemplating high-quality finishes, generous balconies, and terraces with incredible views of the horizon and sea.
Taking advantage of the enormous quality of construction and the excellence of the finishes of the entire development, numerous important details were introduced here that place these apartments on an unparalleled level. With breathtaking views, enjoying a wide interior area, terraces to lose sight of, and a unique level of finishes, here you will find the perfect vehicle for an enviable lifestyle.

Inserted in a development where nothing was left to chance, and where quality is transversal through the adoption of constructive solutions of proven effectiveness and the selection of materials from reputable brands and of very high quality, the Duplex Rooftops, and the Penthouse goes even further.

- Private Homelift with clear glass door inside Duplex Rooftops
- Electric fireplace from BRITISH FIRES in living rooms
- Engineered Oak Flooring with a marine-grade plywood base from WEITZER PARKETT
- Bathroom flooring and wall cladding in large antibacterial Ceramic Stone Paraná Marble by ROCA TILES
- Bathroom countertop with integrated washbasin in white antibacterial KRION by PORCELANOSA
- GROHE antibacterial sanitary ware from the Essence series (minimalist range)
- GROHE Essence line sanitary fittings with a special Brushed Warm Sunset finish (brushed bronze):
- GROHE shower with 3-way thermostatic SMART Control system and built-in jets
- Freestanding bathtub Almond by PORCELANOSA 100% KRION (Master Suite)
- Kitchen countertop, sink, and the wall between cabinets in white antibacterial KRION from PORCELANOSA including a recess for dish drainer
- GROHE Blue Pure Minta sink mixer tap with separate handle for filtered water (includes a carbon filter to obtain filtered water directly from the tap)
- Top-of-the-range MIELE home appliances, including:
- 93cm wide induction hob
- Electric oven + steam oven + microwave + built-in coffee machine
- Side-by-side (refrigerator + freezer)
- Sommelier wine cellar with capacity for 83 bottles
- LED lighting with automatic activation inside wardrobes
- Safe and mini-bar in the Master Suite closet
- Home automation and wireless in all areas of the house
- Outdoor Jacuzzi with chromotherapy and massage mattress SPA LUZ ELEGANCE with capacity for 4 people (on the balcony of the Master Suite).- The garden of your house now has 8000m2. An invitation to relaxation and contact with nature.
- Diving in the pool or relaxing in the outdoor jacuzzi will be part of your day-to-day.
- Two padel courts. A fun and addictive sport that can be played by everyone.
- Train like an athlete, with Technogym technology at your disposal, in a 170m2 gym.
- Without leaving home, enjoy a massage and beauty salon with personalized service.
- Large room with 180m2 equipped with several pool and table tennis tables.
- A concierge for your convenience and security, available 24h a day, complemented by a video surveillance system.
- With today´s demands in mind, all parking spaces are equipped with electric charging points.

Ocean Terrace is located in Leça da Palmeira, in front of Exponor and next to the A28 highway, allowing quick access to Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport (7 min) and to Porto city center (10 min), as well as to any part of the country. Just a step away from Quinta da Conceição with its public gardens, cloister and Manueline portal, tennis courts, and swimming pool and from Quinta de Santiago with its House-Museum Ocean Terrace also has several commercial areas in the surroundings and is at a short walking distance of several local shops and services in the city center. The fabulous beaches of Leça da Palmeira are just 1 km away and are even accessible by taking the bike path and the city of Matosinhos and the metro station are just a bridge away.

Come and discover all that Ocean Terrace has to offer. Schedule your visit to the sales stand now and get closer to joining a new lifestyle.

Ocean Terrace, like a resort but at home!
Apartment 4 Bedrooms
Porto (Leça da Palmeira), Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 340m²
With Garage
3.300.000 €
Crowning a development of excellence are unique apartments. On the top floors (9th & 10th floor) of the first two buildings are the Duplex Rooftops and on the twenty-second floor of the third building, there is a Penthouse.

Comprising four luxurious suites, where the Master Suite stands out with a balcony to the west with jacuzzi and a WC worthy of the best 5-star hotels, with two showers and a sculptural freestanding bathtub on the lower floor, we are welcomed by a large entrance hall, where the staircase and private elevator connect this floor with the upper floor. Enjoying huge glazing that extends the spacious interior spaces to infinity, through balconies and terraces of extraordinary dimensions, the upper floor is where the entire social life of the house is organized. Allowing fluid circulation between all spaces and featuring generous full-height glazed windows on both fronts, this floor is crossed from east to west by abundant natural light throughout the day.
The east features a modern kitchen in open space, with a peninsula that divides the space but preserves the visual communication to the comfortable and large dining room with 32m2 which, in turn, extends to the outdoor terrace which, due to its size, can be used for a variety of uses. On the west side, there are two halls measuring 43m2 and 30m2 which, due to their configuration and location, can be adapted to the uses that the occupant deems fit, from the living room, lounge, cinema, or music room. Finally, these two rooms communicate with the balcony to the west, with extraordinary dimensions and landscape as far as the eye can see, where the sunset will be, daily, the ideal companion for a well-spent late afternoon.

Luxury gated community, located in Leça da Palmeira, with contemporary architecture, including extensive gardens, swimming pool, paddle courts, games room, and gym. Comprising modern and comfortable 1-bed to 4-bed apartments, complemented with ten luxurious rooftop 3-bed and 4-bed Duplexes and a unique Penthouse. Contemplating high-quality finishes, generous balconies, and terraces with incredible views of the horizon and sea.

Taking advantage of the enormous quality of construction and the excellence of the finishes of the entire development, numerous important details were introduced here that place these apartments on an unparalleled level. With breathtaking views, enjoying a wide interior area, terraces to lose sight of, and a unique level of finishes, here you will find the perfect vehicle for an enviable lifestyle.

Inserted in a development where nothing was left to chance, and where quality is transversal through the adoption of constructive solutions of proven effectiveness and the selection of materials from reputable brands and of very high quality, the Duplex Rooftops, and the Penthouse goes even further.

- Private Homelift with clear glass door inside Duplex Rooftops
- Electric fireplace from BRITISH FIRES in living rooms
- Engineered Oak Flooring with a marine-grade plywood base from WEITZER PARKETT
- Bathroom flooring and wall cladding in large antibacterial Ceramic Stone Paraná Marble by ROCA TILES
- Bathroom countertop with integrated washbasin in white antibacterial KRION by PORCELANOSA
- GROHE antibacterial sanitary ware from the Essence series (minimalist range)
- GROHE Essence line sanitary fittings with a special Brushed Warm Sunset finish (brushed bronze):
- GROHE shower with 3-way thermostatic SMART Control system and built-in jets
- Freestanding bathtub Almond by PORCELANOSA 100% KRION (Master Suite)
- Kitchen countertop, sink, and the wall between cabinets in white antibacterial KRION from PORCELANOSA including a recess for dish drainer
- GROHE Blue Pure Minta sink mixer tap with separate handle for filtered water (includes a carbon filter to obtain filtered water directly from the tap)
- Top-of-the-range MIELE home appliances, including:
- 93cm wide induction hob
- Electric oven + steam oven + microwave + built-in coffee machine
- Side-by-side (refrigerator + freezer)
- Sommelier wine cellar with capacity for 83 bottles
- LED lighting with automatic activation inside wardrobes
- Safe and mini-bar in the Master Suite closet
- Home automation and wireless in all areas of the house
- Outdoor Jacuzzi with chromotherapy and massage mattress SPA LUZ ELEGANCE with capacity for 4 people (on the balcony of the Master Suite).- The garden of your house now has 8000m2. An invitation to relaxation and contact with nature.
- Diving in the pool or relaxing in the outdoor jacuzzi will be part of your day-to-day.
- Two padel courts. A fun and addictive sport that can be played by everyone.
- Train like an athlete, with Technogym technology at your disposal, in a 170m2 gym.
- Without leaving home, enjoy a massage and beauty salon with personalized service.
- Large room with 180m2 equipped with several pool and table tennis tables.
- A concierge for your convenience and security, available 24h a day, complemented by a video surveillance system.
- With today´s demands in mind, all parking spaces are equipped with electric charging points.

Ocean Terrace is located in Leça da Palmeira, in front of Exponor and next to the A28 highway, allowing quick access to Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport (7 min) and to Porto city center (10 min), as well as to any part of the country. Just a step away from Quinta da Conceição with its public gardens, cloister and Manueline portal, tennis courts, and swimming pool and from Quinta de Santiago with its House-Museum Ocean Terrace also has several commercial areas in the surroundings and is at a short walking distance of several local shops and services in the city center. The fabulous beaches of Leça da Palmeira are just 1 km away and are even accessible by taking the bike path and the city of Matosinhos and the metro station are just a bridge away.

Come and discover all that Ocean Terrace has to offer. Schedule your visit to the sales stand now and get closer to joining a new lifestyle.

Ocean Terrace, like a resort but at home!
Apartment 4 Bedrooms
Porto (Leça da Palmeira), Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 278m²
With Garage
2.600.000 €
Crowning a development of excellence are unique apartments. On the top floors (9th & 10th floor) of the first two buildings are the Duplex Rooftops and on the twenty-second floor of the third building, there is a Penthouse.

Comprising four luxurious suites, where the Master Suite stands out with a balcony to the west with jacuzzi and a WC worthy of the best 5-star hotels, with two showers and a sculptural freestanding bathtub on the lower floor, we are welcomed by a large entrance hall, where the staircase and private elevator connect this floor with the upper floor.
Enjoying huge glazing that extends the spacious interior spaces to infinity, through balconies and terraces of extraordinary dimensions, the upper floor is where the entire social life of the house is organized. Allowing fluid circulation between all spaces and featuring generous full-height glazed windows on both fronts, this floor is crossed from east to west by abundant natural light throughout the day.
The east features a modern kitchen in open space, with a peninsula that divides the space but preserves the visual communication to the comfortable and large dining room with 32m2 which, in turn, extends to the outdoor terrace which, due to its size, can be used for a variety of uses. On the west side is the 30m2 living room, which, due to its configuration, allows the creation of a workspace in addition to the living area. This room communicates with the balcony to the west, with a landscape as far as the eye can see and where the sunset will be, daily, the ideal companion for a late afternoon well spent.

Luxury gated community, located in Leça da Palmeira, with contemporary architecture, including extensive gardens, swimming pool, paddle courts, games room, and gym. Comprising modern and comfortable 1-bed to 4-bed apartments, complemented with ten luxurious rooftop 3-bed and 4-bed Duplexes and a unique Penthouse. Contemplating high-quality finishes, generous balconies, and terraces with incredible views of the horizon and sea.

Taking advantage of the enormous quality of construction and the excellence of the finishes of the entire development, numerous important details were introduced here that place these apartments on an unparalleled level. With breathtaking views, enjoying a wide interior area, terraces to lose sight of, and a unique level of finishes, here you will find the perfect vehicle for an enviable lifestyle.

Inserted in a development where nothing was left to chance, and where quality is transversal through the adoption of constructive solutions of proven effectiveness and the selection of materials from reputable brands and of very high quality, the Duplex Rooftops, and the Penthouse goes even further.

- Private Homelift with clear glass door inside Duplex Rooftops
- Electric fireplace from BRITISH FIRES in living rooms
- Engineered Oak Flooring with a marine-grade plywood base from WEITZER PARKETT
- Bathroom flooring and wall cladding in large antibacterial Ceramic Stone Paraná Marble by ROCA TILES
- Bathroom countertop with integrated washbasin in white antibacterial KRION by PORCELANOSA
- GROHE antibacterial sanitary ware from the Essence series (minimalist range)
- GROHE Essence line sanitary fittings with a special Brushed Warm Sunset finish (brushed bronze):
- GROHE shower with 3-way thermostatic SMART Control system and built-in jets
- Freestanding bathtub Almond by PORCELANOSA 100% KRION (Master Suite)
- Kitchen countertop, sink, and the wall between cabinets in white antibacterial KRION from PORCELANOSA including a recess for dish drainer
- GROHE Blue Pure Minta sink mixer tap with separate handle for filtered water (includes a carbon filter to obtain filtered water directly from the tap)
- Top-of-the-range MIELE home appliances, including:
- 93cm wide induction hob
- Electric oven + steam oven + microwave + built-in coffee machine
- Side-by-side (refrigerator + freezer)
- Sommelier wine cellar with capacity for 83 bottles
- LED lighting with automatic activation inside wardrobes
- Safe and mini-bar in the Master Suite closet
- Home automation and wireless in all areas of the house
- Outdoor Jacuzzi with chromotherapy and massage mattress SPA LUZ ELEGANCE with capacity for 4 people (on the balcony of the Master Suite).- The garden of your house now has 8000m2. An invitation to relaxation and contact with nature.
- Diving in the pool or relaxing in the outdoor jacuzzi will be part of your day-to-day.
- Two padel courts. A fun and addictive sport that can be played by everyone.
- Train like an athlete, with Technogym technology at your disposal, in a 170m2 gym.
- Without leaving home, enjoy a massage and beauty salon with personalized service.
- Large room with 180m2 equipped with several pool and table tennis tables.
- A concierge for your convenience and security, available 24h a day, complemented by a video surveillance system.
- With today´s demands in mind, all parking spaces are equipped with electric charging points.

Ocean Terrace is located in Leça da Palmeira, in front of Exponor and next to the A28 highway, allowing quick access to Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport (7 min) and to Porto city center (10 min), as well as to any part of the country. Just a step away from Quinta da Conceição with its public gardens, cloister and Manueline portal, tennis courts, and swimming pool and from Quinta de Santiago with its House-Museum Ocean Terrace also has several commercial areas in the surroundings and is at a short walking distance of several local shops and services in the city center. The fabulous beaches of Leça da Palmeira are just 1 km away and are even accessible by taking the bike path and the city of Matosinhos and the metro station are just a bridge away.

Come and discover all that Ocean Terrace has to offer. Schedule your visit to the sales stand now and get closer to joining a new lifestyle.

Ocean Terrace, like a resort but at home!
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Porto (Leça da Palmeira), Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 106m²
With Garage
690.000 €

Phase I (two buildings with 10 floors) is currently under construction and will be completed by early 2023.

Phase II (a building with 22 floors) is currently under construction and will be completed by the end of 2024.

Contemporary architecture tower, consisting of 22 floors, which offers apartments from T1 to Penthouse, with very high-quality finishes, generous balconies, and views of the horizon and sea and including extensive gardens, semi-Olympic swimming pool, paddle tennis court, gym, and lounge. games.

Apartments consisting of a suite, a bedroom, a full bathroom for common use, a large living room, and a kitchen, which communicates with a balcony through generous glazing, which favors the entry of natural light. With the highest quality construction and luxury finishes, the layout of its divisions fits into a modern and dynamic lifestyle, making the most of functionality and organization. Equipped with thermally cut aluminum frames and double glazing by TECHNAL, air conditioning, appliances by MIELE, kitchen countertops, and WC by KRION by PORCELANOSA, and kitchen faucet, WC equipment, and crockery by GROHE. They have a parking space and storage in the basement of the building.
Luxury gated community, located in Leça da Palmeira, with contemporary architecture, including extensive gardens, swimming pool, paddle courts, games room, and gym. Comprising modern and comfortable 1-bed to 4-bed apartments, complemented with ten luxurious rooftop 3-bed and 4-bed Duplexes and a unique Penthouse. Contemplating high-quality finishes, generous balconies, and terraces with incredible views of the horizon and sea.

A building plot, with more than 13,000 m2 and privileged light exposure, at Leça da Palmeira, will give rise to an exceptional real estate development, which includes three apartment complexes, surrounded by an outdoor area with up to 8,000 m2, a swimming pool, gym, paddle court, and wide gardens, for hiking and entertainment. Providing apartments such as Studios, T0, T1, T2, T3, T3 Duplex, T4, T4 Duplex, and a Penthouse, the Ocean Terrace stands itself as a unique real estate development, where no detail has been left unplanned, just to ensure that you will find the perfect place to live.

Just think about starting your day with a workout at a fully equipped gym, by TECHNOGYM famous brand, stretch in the garden right before a paddle game, followed by a relaxing swim and a shower in the changing rooms before going to work. This could be your daily routine at Ocean Terrace.
With a contemporary design and special care to details, at Ocean Terrace, the construction quality is a benchmark. Made with a ventilated frontage, covered by a thick layer of thermal insulation and weatherproof resistant materials, it stands out with its large concrete balconies, in a harmonious alignment that reveals one of the most relevant project highlights - the outstanding balconies and terraces, with a configuration and orientation which turns it into natural extensions of the interior spaces.

The high quality of the finishing details is in line with the one of the construction, accomplished by building solutions of proven efficiency and exquisite materials, from the most renowned brands. From the ventilated frontage, covered by a thick layer of thermal insulation and weatherproof resistant materials, with Technal sustainable aluminum frames, through the kitchen and toilet counters made of antibacterial Krion from Porcelanosa and high quality lacquered woods, up to the kitchen ceramic equipment from Grohe and appliances from Miele, the choice is consistent and crosswise.

Ocean Terrace is located in Leça da Palmeira, in front of Exponor and next to the A28 highway, allowing quick access to Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport (7 min) and to Porto city center (10 min), as well as to any part of the country. Just a step away from Quinta da Conceição with its public gardens, cloister and Manueline portal, tennis courts, and swimming pool and from Quinta de Santiago with its House-Museum Ocean Terrace also has several commercial areas in the surroundings and is at a short walking distance of several local shops and services in the city center. The fabulous beaches of Leça da Palmeira are just 1 km away and are even accessible by taking the bike path and the city of Matosinhos and the metro station are just a bridge away.

Come and discover all that Ocean Terrace has to offer.
Schedule your visit to the sales stand now and get closer to joining a new lifestyle.

Ocean Terrace, like a resort but at home!
Apartment 2 Bedrooms
Porto (Leça da Palmeira), Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 96m²
With Garage
469.000 €

Phase I (two buildings with 10 floors) is currently under construction and will be completed by early 2023.

Phase II (a building with 22 floors) is currently under construction and will be completed by the end of 2024.

Contemporary architecture tower, consisting of 22 floors, which offers apartments from T1 to Penthouse, with very high-quality finishes, generous balconies, and views of the horizon and sea and including extensive gardens, semi-Olympic swimming pool, paddle tennis court, gym, and lounge. games.

Apartments consisting of a suite, a bedroom, a full bathroom for common use, a large living room, and a kitchen, which communicates with a balcony through generous glazing, which favors the entry of natural light. With the highest quality construction and luxury finishes, the layout of its divisions fits into a modern and dynamic lifestyle, making the most of functionality and organization. Equipped with thermally cut aluminum frames and double glazing by TECHNAL, air conditioning, appliances by MIELE, kitchen countertops, and WC by KRION by PORCELANOSA, and kitchen faucet, WC equipment, and crockery by GROHE. They have a parking space and storage in the basement of the building.
Luxury gated community, located in Leça da Palmeira, with contemporary architecture, including extensive gardens, swimming pool, paddle courts, games room, and gym. Comprising modern and comfortable 1-bed to 4-bed apartments, complemented with ten luxurious rooftop 3-bed and 4-bed Duplexes and a unique Penthouse. Contemplating high-quality finishes, generous balconies, and terraces with incredible views of the horizon and sea.

A building plot, with more than 13,000 m2 and privileged light exposure, at Leça da Palmeira, will give rise to an exceptional real estate development, which includes three apartment complexes, surrounded by an outdoor area with up to 8,000 m2, a swimming pool, gym, paddle court, and wide gardens, for hiking and entertainment. Providing apartments such as Studios, T0, T1, T2, T3, T3 Duplex, T4, T4 Duplex, and a Penthouse, the Ocean Terrace stands itself as a unique real estate development, where no detail has been left unplanned, just to ensure that you will find the perfect place to live.

Just think about starting your day with a workout at a fully equipped gym, by TECHNOGYM famous brand, stretch in the garden right before a paddle game, followed by a relaxing swim and a shower in the changing rooms before going to work. This could be your daily routine at Ocean Terrace.
With a contemporary design and special care to details, at Ocean Terrace, the construction quality is a benchmark. Made with a ventilated frontage, covered by a thick layer of thermal insulation and weatherproof resistant materials, it stands out with its large concrete balconies, in a harmonious alignment that reveals one of the most relevant project highlights - the outstanding balconies and terraces, with a configuration and orientation which turns it into natural extensions of the interior spaces.

The high quality of the finishing details is in line with the one of the construction, accomplished by building solutions of proven efficiency and exquisite materials, from the most renowned brands. From the ventilated frontage, covered by a thick layer of thermal insulation and weatherproof resistant materials, with Technal sustainable aluminum frames, through the kitchen and toilet counters made of antibacterial Krion from Porcelanosa and high quality lacquered woods, up to the kitchen ceramic equipment from Grohe and appliances from Miele, the choice is consistent and crosswise.

Ocean Terrace is located in Leça da Palmeira, in front of Exponor and next to the A28 highway, allowing quick access to Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport (7 min) and to Porto city center (10 min), as well as to any part of the country. Just a step away from Quinta da Conceição with its public gardens, cloister and Manueline portal, tennis courts, and swimming pool and from Quinta de Santiago with its House-Museum Ocean Terrace also has several commercial areas in the surroundings and is at a short walking distance of several local shops and services in the city center. The fabulous beaches of Leça da Palmeira are just 1 km away and are even accessible by taking the bike path and the city of Matosinhos and the metro station are just a bridge away.

Come and discover all that Ocean Terrace has to offer.
Schedule your visit to the sales stand now and get closer to joining a new lifestyle.

Ocean Terrace, like a resort but at home!
Apartment 4 Bedrooms
Porto (Leça da Palmeira), Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 182m²
With Garage
799.000 €

Phase I (two buildings with 10 floors) is currently under construction and will be completed by early 2023.

Phase II (a building with 22 floors) is currently under construction and will be completed by the end of 2024.

Contemporary architecture tower, consisting of 22 floors, which offers apartments from T1 to Penthouse, with very high-quality finishes, generous balconies, and views of the horizon and sea and including extensive gardens, semi-Olympic swimming pool, paddle tennis court, gym, and lounge. games.

Election apartments, with huge balconies and views of the horizon and sea, consisting of two suites and two bedrooms served by a third full bathroom for private use, a common room and kitchen, with access to a generous balcony, and a service bathroom in the social area. Equipped with thermally cut aluminum frames and double glazing by TECHNAL, air conditioning, appliances by MIELE, kitchen countertops, and WC by KRION by PORCELANOSA, and kitchen faucet, WC equipment, and crockery by GROHE. They have parking spaces for two cars and storage in the basement of the building.
Luxury gated community, located in Leça da Palmeira, with contemporary architecture, including extensive gardens, swimming pool, paddle courts, games room, and gym. Comprising modern and comfortable 1-bed to 4-bed apartments, complemented with ten luxurious rooftop 3-bed and 4-bed Duplexes and a unique Penthouse. Contemplating high-quality finishes, generous balconies, and terraces with incredible views of the horizon and sea.

A building plot, with more than 13,000 m2 and privileged light exposure, at Leça da Palmeira, will give rise to an exceptional real estate development, which includes three apartment complexes, surrounded by an outdoor area with up to 8,000 m2, a swimming pool, gym, paddle court, and wide gardens, for hiking and entertainment. Providing apartments such as Studios, T0, T1, T2, T3, T3 Duplex, T4, T4 Duplex, and a Penthouse, the Ocean Terrace stands itself as a unique real estate development, where no detail has been left unplanned, just to ensure that you will find the perfect place to live.

Just think about starting your day with a workout at a fully equipped gym, by TECHNOGYM famous brand, stretch in the garden right before a paddle game, followed by a relaxing swim and a shower in the changing rooms before going to work. This could be your daily routine at Ocean Terrace.
With a contemporary design and special care to details, at Ocean Terrace, the construction quality is a benchmark. Made with a ventilated frontage, covered by a thick layer of thermal insulation and weatherproof resistant materials, it stands out with its large concrete balconies, in a harmonious alignment that reveals one of the most relevant project highlights - the outstanding balconies and terraces, with a configuration and orientation which turns it into natural extensions of the interior spaces.

The high quality of the finishing details is in line with the one of the construction, accomplished by building solutions of proven efficiency and exquisite materials, from the most renowned brands. From the ventilated frontage, covered by a thick layer of thermal insulation and weatherproof resistant materials, with Technal sustainable aluminum frames, through the kitchen and toilet counters made of antibacterial Krion from Porcelanosa and high quality lacquered woods, up to the kitchen ceramic equipment from Grohe and appliances from Miele, the choice is consistent and crosswise.

Ocean Terrace is located in Leça da Palmeira, in front of Exponor and next to the A28 highway, allowing quick access to Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport (7 min) and to Porto city center (10 min), as well as to any part of the country. Just a step away from Quinta da Conceição with its public gardens, cloister and Manueline portal, tennis courts, and swimming pool and from Quinta de Santiago with its House-Museum Ocean Terrace also has several commercial areas in the surroundings and is at a short walking distance of several local shops and services in the city center. The fabulous beaches of Leça da Palmeira are just 1 km away and are even accessible by taking the bike path and the city of Matosinhos and the metro station are just a bridge away.

Come and discover all that Ocean Terrace has to offer.
Schedule your visit to the sales stand now and get closer to joining a new lifestyle.

Ocean Terrace, like a resort but at home!
Apartment 4 Bedrooms
Porto (Leça da Palmeira), Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 223m²
With Garage
2.100.000 €
Crowning a development of excellence are unique apartments. On the top floors (9th & 10th floor) of the first two buildings are the Duplex Rooftops and on the twenty-second floor of the third building, there is a Penthouse.

Comprising two luxurious suites and two bedrooms with a full support bathroom, where the Master Suite stands out with a balcony to the west with jacuzzi and a bathroom worthy of the best 5-star hotels, with two showers and a sculptural freestanding bathtub on the lower floor, we are welcomed by a large entrance hall, where the staircase and private elevator connect this floor with the upper floor.
Enjoying huge glazing that extends the spacious interior spaces to infinity, through balconies and terraces of extraordinary dimensions, the upper floor is where the entire social life of the house is organized. Allowing fluid circulation between all spaces and featuring generous full-height glazed windows on both fronts, this floor is crossed from east to west by abundant natural light throughout the day.
The east features a modern kitchen, with a huge full-length countertop in an area that connects to the laundry room and the outdoor terrace and a second area with tall cabinets, a high countertop for quick meals, and a connection to the dining room. In continuity with the living room, to the west, the dining room is arranged longitudinally, enjoying natural light and direct connection to the terrace, to the east, which, due to its size, can be used for a variety of uses. On the west side is the 30m2 living room, which, due to its configuration, allows the creation of a workspace in addition to the living area. This room communicates with the balcony to the west, enjoying a landscape as far as the eye can see and where the sunset will be, daily, the ideal companion for a well-spent late afternoon.

Luxury gated community, located in Leça da Palmeira, with contemporary architecture, including extensive gardens, swimming pool, paddle courts, games room, and gym. Comprising modern and comfortable 1-bed to 4-bed apartments, complemented with ten luxurious rooftop 3-bed and 4-bed Duplexes and a unique Penthouse. Contemplating high-quality finishes, generous balconies, and terraces with incredible views of the horizon and sea.

Taking advantage of the enormous quality of construction and the excellence of the finishes of the entire development, numerous important details were introduced here that place these apartments on an unparalleled level. With breathtaking views, enjoying a wide interior area, terraces to lose sight of, and a unique level of finishes, here you will find the perfect vehicle for an enviable lifestyle.

Inserted in a development where nothing was left to chance, and where quality is transversal through the adoption of constructive solutions of proven effectiveness and the selection of materials from reputable brands and of very high quality, the Duplex Rooftops, and the Penthouse goes even further.

- Private Homelift with clear glass door inside Duplex Rooftops
- Electric fireplace from BRITISH FIRES in living rooms
- Engineered Oak Flooring with a marine-grade plywood base from WEITZER PARKETT
- Bathroom flooring and wall cladding in large antibacterial Ceramic Stone Paraná Marble by ROCA TILES
- Bathroom countertop with integrated washbasin in white antibacterial KRION by PORCELANOSA
- GROHE antibacterial sanitary ware from the Essence series (minimalist range)
- GROHE Essence line sanitary fittings with a special Brushed Warm Sunset finish (brushed bronze):
- GROHE shower with 3-way thermostatic SMART Control system and built-in jets
- Freestanding bathtub Almond by PORCELANOSA 100% KRION (Master Suite)
- Kitchen countertop, sink, and the wall between cabinets in white antibacterial KRION from PORCELANOSA including a recess for dish drainer
- GROHE Blue Pure Minta sink mixer tap with separate handle for filtered water (includes a carbon filter to obtain filtered water directly from the tap)
- Top-of-the-range MIELE home appliances, including:
- 93cm wide induction hob
- Electric oven + steam oven + microwave + built-in coffee machine
- Side-by-side (refrigerator + freezer)
- Sommelier wine cellar with capacity for 83 bottles
- LED lighting with automatic activation inside wardrobes
- Safe and mini-bar in the Master Suite closet
- Home automation and wireless in all areas of the house
- Outdoor Jacuzzi with chromotherapy and massage mattress SPA LUZ ELEGANCE with capacity for 4 people (on the balcony of the Master Suite).- The garden of your house now has 8000m2. An invitation to relaxation and contact with nature.
- Diving in the pool or relaxing in the outdoor jacuzzi will be part of your day-to-day.
- Two padel courts. A fun and addictive sport that can be played by everyone.
- Train like an athlete, with Technogym technology at your disposal, in a 170m2 gym.
- Without leaving home, enjoy a massage and beauty salon with personalized service.
- Large room with 180m2 equipped with several pool and table tennis tables.
- A concierge for your convenience and security, available 24h a day, complemented by a video surveillance system.
- With today´s demands in mind, all parking spaces are equipped with electric charging points.

Ocean Terrace is located in Leça da Palmeira, in front of Exponor and next to the A28 highway, allowing quick access to Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport (7 min) and to Porto city center (10 min), as well as to any part of the country. Just a step away from Quinta da Conceição with its public gardens, cloister and Manueline portal, tennis courts, and swimming pool and from Quinta de Santiago with its House-Museum Ocean Terrace also has several commercial areas in the surroundings and is at a short walking distance of several local shops and services in the city center. The fabulous beaches of Leça da Palmeira are just 1 km away and are even accessible by taking the bike path and the city of Matosinhos and the metro station are just a bridge away.

Come and discover all that Ocean Terrace has to offer. Schedule your visit to the sales stand now and get closer to joining a new lifestyle.

Ocean Terrace, like a resort but at home!
Apartment 4 Bedrooms
Porto (Leça da Palmeira), Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, Distrito do Porto
Under construction · 165m²
With Garage
799.000 €

Phase I (two buildings with 10 floors) is currently under construction and will be completed by early 2023.

Phase II (a building with 22 floors) is currently under construction and will be completed by the end of 2024.

Contemporary architecture tower, consisting of 22 floors, which offers apartments from T1 to Penthouse, with very high-quality finishes, generous balconies, and views of the horizon and sea and including extensive gardens, semi-Olympic swimming pool, paddle tennis court, gym, and lounge. games.

Election apartments, with huge balconies and views of the horizon and sea, consisting of two suites and two bedrooms served by a third full bathroom for private use, a common room and kitchen, with access to a generous balcony, and a service bathroom in the social area. Equipped with thermally cut aluminum frames and double glazing by TECHNAL, air conditioning, appliances by MIELE, kitchen countertops, and WC by KRION by PORCELANOSA, and kitchen faucet, WC equipment, and crockery by GROHE. They have parking spaces for two cars and storage in the basement of the building.
Luxury gated community, located in Leça da Palmeira, with contemporary architecture, including extensive gardens, swimming pool, paddle courts, games room, and gym. Comprising modern and comfortable 1-bed to 4-bed apartments, complemented with ten luxurious rooftop 3-bed and 4-bed Duplexes and a unique Penthouse. Contemplating high-quality finishes, generous balconies, and terraces with incredible views of the horizon and sea.

A building plot, with more than 13,000 m2 and privileged light exposure, at Leça da Palmeira, will give rise to an exceptional real estate development, which includes three apartment complexes, surrounded by an outdoor area with up to 8,000 m2, a swimming pool, gym, paddle court, and wide gardens, for hiking and entertainment. Providing apartments such as Studios, T0, T1, T2, T3, T3 Duplex, T4, T4 Duplex, and a Penthouse, the Ocean Terrace stands itself as a unique real estate development, where no detail has been left unplanned, just to ensure that you will find the perfect place to live.

Just think about starting your day with a workout at a fully equipped gym, by TECHNOGYM famous brand, stretch in the garden right before a paddle game, followed by a relaxing swim and a shower in the changing rooms before going to work. This could be your daily routine at Ocean Terrace.
With a contemporary design and special care to details, at Ocean Terrace, the construction quality is a benchmark. Made with a ventilated frontage, covered by a thick layer of thermal insulation and weatherproof resistant materials, it stands out with its large concrete balconies, in a harmonious alignment that reveals one of the most relevant project highlights - the outstanding balconies and terraces, with a configuration and orientation which turns it into natural extensions of the interior spaces.

The high quality of the finishing details is in line with the one of the construction, accomplished by building solutions of proven efficiency and exquisite materials, from the most renowned brands. From the ventilated frontage, covered by a thick layer of thermal insulation and weatherproof resistant materials, with Technal sustainable aluminum frames, through the kitchen and toilet counters made of antibacterial Krion from Porcelanosa and high quality lacquered woods, up to the kitchen ceramic equipment from Grohe and appliances from Miele, the choice is consistent and crosswise.

Ocean Terrace is located in Leça da Palmeira, in front of Exponor and next to the A28 highway, allowing quick access to Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport (7 min) and to Porto city center (10 min), as well as to any part of the country. Just a step away from Quinta da Conceição with its public gardens, cloister and Manueline portal, tennis courts, and swimming pool and from Quinta de Santiago with its House-Museum Ocean Terrace also has several commercial areas in the surroundings and is at a short walking distance of several local shops and services in the city center. The fabulous beaches of Leça da Palmeira are just 1 km away and are even accessible by taking the bike path and the city of Matosinhos and the metro station are just a bridge away.

Come and discover all that Ocean Terrace has to offer.
Schedule your visit to the sales stand now and get closer to joining a new lifestyle.

Ocean Terrace, like a resort but at home!
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