Découvres ta nouvelle maison
15 Biens pour 3 Pièces à Distrito de Beja, vue Champ
Ferme 3 Pièces
Salvador, Beja (Salvador e Santa Maria da Feira), Distrito de Beja
Bon état · 75m²
Avec Garage
480.000 €
Ferme à environ 1Km de la ville de Beja, Baixo Alentejo

Propriété de six mille deux cent cinquante mètres carrés avec une maison de soixante-quinze mètres carrés.

La maison, de plain-pied, est composée d’une cuisine et d’un salon en espace ouvert, d’une installation sanitaire et de deux chambres.
A l’extérieur, il y a un porche couvert donnant sur la piscine et un espace barbecue.
Les alentours de la villa sont entièrement pavés et dotés de petites pelouses.

Le terrain environnant est agricole avec des oliviers, des orangers, des poiriers, des figuiers, des citronniers, des vignes et d’autres cultures.
Le système d’irrigation se fait au goutte à goutte et l’eau provient du forage existant dans la propriété.
L’eau destinée à la consommation provient du réseau public.

A deux rues du centre historique, des centres culturels et de loisirs, des supermarchés, des pharmacies, des écoles, de l’université, de l’hôpital, des commerces de proximité, du marché municipal, des services publics, des transports en commun, entre autres, et à une quinzaine de minutes de l’aéroport de Beja, cette opportunité constitue un excellent investissement.

L’accès à l’autoroute et aux routes principales met cette opportunité à environ deux heures de Faro ou de Lisbonne.

En ce qui concerne la capitale du Baixo Alentejo, on peut dire que est bordée au nord par les municipalités de Cuba et Vidigueira, à l’est par Serpa, au sud par Mértola et Castro Verde et à l’ouest par Aljustrel et Ferreira do Alentejo.

Les principales sources de revenus sont les services, le commerce et l’agriculture. Dans le passé, le blé était la principale culture, aujourd’hui les oliveraies et les vignobles se développent.

Venez découvrir cette opportunité
Appartement 3 Pièces
Serpa (Salvador e Santa Maria), Distrito de Beja
Neuf · 72m²
130.000 €
Excellent nouvel appartement de 2 chambres en phase d’achèvement, situé dans la ville de Serpa quartier calme d’accès facile.
L’appartement est au premier étage, et se compose de deux chambres dont une avec placard, une salle de bains, un salon et une cuisine équipée en open_space, a garde-manger, et la pré-installation de la climatisation a balcon. et toute la coupe a beaucoup de lumière

Venez découvrir ce que l’Alentejo a à offrir!

Il y a des rêves qui ont besoin de crédit...

Nous nous occupons de votre financement avec des professionnels formés et qualifiés, pour vous aider à obtenir les meilleures conditions sans frais supplémentaires. Nous travaillons quotidiennement avec toutes les entités bancaires afin de vous assurer la meilleure solution de prêt immobilier.

Réservez votre visite maintenant.
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Serpa est une ville portugaise appartenant au district de Beja, et insérée dans la région de l’Alentejo (NUT II) et dans la sous-région du Baixo Alentejo (NUT III), avec 5 601 habitants (2021).
C’est le siège de l’une des municipalités les plus étendues du Portugal, la municipalité de Serpa, qui a une superficie de 1 105,63 km² et 13 764 habitants (2021), subdivisée en 5 paroisses. La municipalité est bordée au nord par la municipalité de Vidigueira, au nord-est par Moura, à l’est par l’Espagne, au sud par Mértola et à l’ouest par Beja.

dans Wikipédia
Ferme 3 Pièces
Ourique, Distrito de Beja
Bon état · 36m²
260.000 €
Excellente occasion de deux bâtiments rustiques confinant, qui peuvent être unifiés ainsi avec une superficie totale de 5.675 hectares.
Etre que dans l’un des motifs est une ruine à récupérer avec 36m2.
Avec une excellente exposition au soleil, la terre est à 4 km du village d’Ourique, quartier de Beja - Lower Alentejo.
Le bâtiment urbain existant peut être agrandi jusqu’à 250 mètres carrés, ou si vous souhaitez construire dans n’importe quelle zone de la propriété, sa viabilité est possible, à condition que les deux rustiques sont unifiés, qui est le titre gratuit, comme en est le cas de la loi n ° 111/2015.
Maison 3 Pièces
Vila Verde de Ficalho, Serpa, Distrito de Beja
Bon état · 65m²
60.000 €
Maison à vendre dans la fantastique ville transfrontalière de Vila Verde de Ficalho, municipalité de Serpa.

La villa est en excellent état, et est à vendre dans une propriété horizontale au rez-de-chaussée.
Avec deux chambres à coucher avec fenêtre, puis vous trouverez le salon et toute la cuisine meublée, nous avons une salle de bain avec poliban et une petite cour arrière.

Chaque rêve a besoin de financement, et nous sommes des intermédiaires de crédit, nous trouvons la meilleure solution pour vous dans tous les établissements de crédit.

Venez réaliser votre rêve et avoir votre refuge dans l’Alentejo, ou même qui sait comment déménager...

J’attends votre contact.
Ferme 3 Pièces
Ribeira da Azenha, Vila Nova de Milfontes, Odemira, Distrito de Beja
Bon état · 58m²
Avec Garage
730.000 €
Terreno urbano localizado na Ribeira da Azenha, freguesia de Vila Nova de Milfontes com uma área de 16000m2, e habitação com área de 58m2.
Com uma excelente exposição solar e localização, a cinco minutos a pé da praia dos Aivados.
A moradia está dividida em três apartamentos T2, todos compostos por dois quartos, sala, cozinha e casa de banho.
Terreno composto por várias árvores de fruto, poço, tanque e eletricidade da rede pública.

A poucos minutos das praias do Litoral Alentejano, tendo como predominante a praia dos Aivados e praia do Malhão, estando a 15 minutos de Porto Covo e de Vila Nova de Milfontes.

A Praia dos Aivados, também conhecida por Praia do Buzinheiro, possui uma fina e extensa faixa de areal, um pouco mais larga junto à entrada onde corre um pequeno curso de água.
A base da falésia está preenchida por um cordão de seixos rolados que se prolonga para a praia vizinha a Sul.
Esta praia é frequentada por pescadores e amantes de desportos náuticos.

É uma Praia Oceânica situada na costa de Portugal Península Ibérica no concelho de Odemira, banhada pelo Oceano Atlântico.

Financiamento Bancário:

A Habita é parceira de várias entidades financeiras possibilitando a todos os seus clientes simulações gratuitas de Crédito à Habitação.


Vila Nova de Milfontes é uma freguesia portuguesa do concelho de Odemira, distrito de Beja, situada na margem norte da foz do rio Mira. Encontra-se inserida no Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina e possui 75,88 km² de área.

No final da reconquista cristã, o litoral alentejano era um território escassamente povoado e desorganizado, como tal, o rei de Portugal D. Afonso III fez largas doações à Ordem de Santiago como recompensas pelo seu importante papel na guerra contra os mouros. Em 1486, D. João II fundou uma nova vila, no local chamado Milfontes, com o propósito de proteger e desenvolver as transacções comerciais. Desanexou o seu território do concelho de Sines, a que antes pertencia, e criou, deste modo, um novo concelho que durou entre 1486 e 1836.

Por se situar na costa, esta região era frequentemente assolada por piratas, que pilhavam e assaltavam a população e as embarcações. Nos séculos XVI a XVIII, o corso magrebino afligiu as costas portuguesas de forma dramática. Para fazer face a este clima de medo e instabilidade, no final do século XVI foi mandado edificar o forte de São Clemente (castelo de Milfontes).

Esta localidade está ligada ao grande feito da aviação portuguesa que foi a primeira travessia área entre Portugal e Macau, realizada por Brito Paes e Sarmento Beires. Foi a 7 de Abril de 1924 que os pilotos partiram do Campo dos Coitos, junto a Milfontes, rumo ao Oriente. Em homenagem aos aviadores e ao seu feito histórico, foi erguido na Praça da Barbacã, junto ao forte, um monumento que recorda a heróica viagem. Note-se que o Comandante Brito Paes era natural do concelho de Odemira, mais concretamente de Colos.

Cultura e Lazer:
- Forte de São Clemente ou Castelo de Vila Nova de Milfontes
- Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina
- Igreja Matriz: Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Graça (Vila Nova de Milfontes)
- Ermida de São Sebastião (Vila Nova de Milfontes)
- Festas e Romarias
- Nossa Senhora da Graça é a padroeira de Milfontes, realizando-se anualmente no dia 8 de Agosto uma festa em sua honra, sendo a procissão fluvial o ponto alto das celebrações. A feira do turismo, onde há animação musical, tendas gastronómicas,etc. A freguesia conta com duas feiras anuais, que decorrem nas Brunheiras a 1 de Maio e 8 de Agosto.

Actividades económicas:
As principais actividades económicas da freguesia são o turismo, o comércio e serviços, a agricultura, a pecuária, a pesca (o portinho do Canal é o maior porto de pesca do concelho), a construção civil e ainda a produção florestal.
Maison 3 Pièces
São Martinho das Amoreiras, Odemira, Distrito de Beja
Bon état · 62m²
450.000 €
Cette propriété absolument charmante, est une étonnante « Quinta avec maison typique de l’Alentejo », couvrant 6 hectares de terrain dans une magnifique zone agricole.

La maison, avec son style rural authentique, offre tout le confort nécessaire à la vie quotidienne, avec 2 chambres confortables, une cuisine équipée d’une cheminée et d’un four traditionnel pour de délicieuses recettes, un salon et une salle à manger spacieux avec cheminée, une grande salle de bain avec baignoire, couloir, salle des machines et rangements, ainsi qu’un charmant porche et deux annexes.

Situé à seulement 29 km d’Odemira et à quelques pas des superbes plages de Zambujeira do Mar, Vila Nova de Milfontes, Almograve, Malhão et Porto Covo, cet établissement offre également la tranquillité à seulement 12 km du barrage de Santa Clara.

Avec l’électricité, un forage avec une pompe électrique, deux puits pour l’irrigation et un réservoir pour la réserve d’eau, la propriété est une oasis d’autosuffisance.

La vaste étendue de terrain peut être utilisée pour un potager ou d’autres plantations irriguées, bénéficiant des nombreux arbres fruitiers, vignes et oliviers qui ornent le paysage.
Se distinguant également par la plantation de chênes-lièges en production active de liège d’excellente qualité, la propriété est une invitation au repos et au partage de moments précieux avec la famille et les amis.

Que vous souhaitiez créer un projet de tourisme rural ou profiter d’une maison de campagne comme vous en avez toujours rêvé, c’est une occasion unique de vous connecter avec la nature et de vivre en harmonie avec l’environnement environnant.

Découvrez et tombez amoureux de ce refuge unique où les rêves deviennent réalité !
Maison 3 Pièces
Ourique, Distrito de Beja
En construction · 123m²
850.000 €
Two-bedroom villa with 123sqm of gross construction area and 177sqm of exterior area.

In the heart of Baixo Alentejo, in the district of Beja, lies Herdade da Torre Vã, a place where each visitor can write their own story. This visionary project, created by Architect João Mendes Ribeiro in collaboration with Architect André Tavares, celebrates the preservation and enhancement of the existing architectural, historical, landscape, and natural heritage.

In this enchanting refuge, besides a hotel, there is a set of 12 individual houses that harmonize with the landscape - the ’Casas da Herdade’. Each house, with types ranging from T1 to T2 and areas between 212 and 311 sq.m, features outdoor space and a private pool, offering an oasis of tranquility and comfort.

In this fabulous tourist development, in the guaranteed yield option, the owner will have the opportunity to enjoy three weeks annually, including weekends, plus three additional weekends, totaling 27 days to create unforgettable memories.
The interior design of the ’Casas da Herdade’ has been meticulously planned to minimize the exterior volume while ensuring maximum functionality and comfort. Inspired by traditional and contemporary rural constructions, all the houses have a layout that promotes interaction with the surrounding landscape, creating a private and family-friendly environment.

The surrounding landscape is a mix of hills and plateaus that invite inspiration and contemplation. The days are long and serene, bathed in the golden light of the sun that illuminates the Herdade’s vineyards. The old agricultural support buildings have been transformed into spaces with new uses, including the Hotel Restaurant, the innovative ’Innovation Hub’, the Winery, and the wine tasting and degustation area. Outside, in harmony with the main building, are the pool, stables and riding arena, tennis court, and SPA area.

Let yourself be enveloped by the peace of the countryside and discover at Herdade da Torre Vã the place where your dreams can come true.

Local Information
- Faro Airport is 1 hour and 15 minutes away by car
- The best beaches are approximately 55 minutes away by car
- The Port of Sines is a 50-minute drive away
- The preparatory and secondary school is a 13-minute drive away

Key Features
- Private outdoor spaces
- Private pools
- Winery
- Spa
- Tennis court
- Restaurant
- Stables and riding arena
Maison 3 Pièces
Ourique, Distrito de Beja
En construction · 123m²
610.000 €
Two-bedroom villa with 123sqm of gross construction area and 177sqm of exterior area.

In the heart of Baixo Alentejo, in the district of Beja, lies Herdade da Torre Vã, a place where each visitor can write their own story. This visionary project, created by Architect João Mendes Ribeiro in collaboration with Architect André Tavares, celebrates the preservation and enhancement of the existing architectural, historical, landscape, and natural heritage.

In this enchanting refuge, besides a hotel, there is a set of 12 individual houses that harmonize with the landscape - the ’Casas da Herdade’. Each house, with types ranging from T1 to T2 and areas between 212 and 311 sq.m, features outdoor space and a private pool, offering an oasis of tranquility and comfort.

In this fabulous tourist development, in the guaranteed yield option, the owner will have the opportunity to enjoy three weeks annually, including weekends, plus three additional weekends, totaling 27 days to create unforgettable memories.
The interior design of the ’Casas da Herdade’ has been meticulously planned to minimize the exterior volume while ensuring maximum functionality and comfort. Inspired by traditional and contemporary rural constructions, all the houses have a layout that promotes interaction with the surrounding landscape, creating a private and family-friendly environment.

The surrounding landscape is a mix of hills and plateaus that invite inspiration and contemplation. The days are long and serene, bathed in the golden light of the sun that illuminates the Herdade’s vineyards. The old agricultural support buildings have been transformed into spaces with new uses, including the Hotel Restaurant, the innovative ’Innovation Hub’, the Winery, and the wine tasting and degustation area. Outside, in harmony with the main building, are the pool, stables and riding arena, tennis court, and SPA area.

Let yourself be enveloped by the peace of the countryside and discover at Herdade da Torre Vã the place where your dreams can come true.

Local Information
- Faro Airport is 1 hour and 15 minutes away by car
- The best beaches are approximately 55 minutes away by car
- The Port of Sines is a 50-minute drive away
- The preparatory and secondary school is a 13-minute drive away

Key Features
- Private outdoor spaces
- Private pools
- Winery
- Spa
- Tennis court
- Restaurant
- Stables and riding arena
Maison 3 Pièces
Ourique, Distrito de Beja
En construction · 123m²
850.000 €
Two-bedroom villa with 123sqm of gross construction area and 177sqm of exterior area.

In the heart of Baixo Alentejo, in the district of Beja, lies Herdade da Torre Vã, a place where each visitor can write their own story. This visionary project, created by Architect João Mendes Ribeiro in collaboration with Architect André Tavares, celebrates the preservation and enhancement of the existing architectural, historical, landscape, and natural heritage.

In this enchanting refuge, besides a hotel, there is a set of 12 individual houses that harmonize with the landscape - the ’Casas da Herdade’. Each house, with types ranging from T1 to T2 and areas between 212 and 311 sq.m, features outdoor space and a private pool, offering an oasis of tranquility and comfort.

In this fabulous tourist development, in the guaranteed yield option, the owner will have the opportunity to enjoy three weeks annually, including weekends, plus three additional weekends, totaling 27 days to create unforgettable memories.
The interior design of the ’Casas da Herdade’ has been meticulously planned to minimize the exterior volume while ensuring maximum functionality and comfort. Inspired by traditional and contemporary rural constructions, all the houses have a layout that promotes interaction with the surrounding landscape, creating a private and family-friendly environment.

The surrounding landscape is a mix of hills and plateaus that invite inspiration and contemplation. The days are long and serene, bathed in the golden light of the sun that illuminates the Herdade’s vineyards. The old agricultural support buildings have been transformed into spaces with new uses, including the Hotel Restaurant, the innovative ’Innovation Hub’, the Winery, and the wine tasting and degustation area. Outside, in harmony with the main building, are the pool, stables and riding arena, tennis court, and SPA area.

Let yourself be enveloped by the peace of the countryside and discover at Herdade da Torre Vã the place where your dreams can come true.

Local Information
- Faro Airport is 1 hour and 15 minutes away by car
- The best beaches are approximately 55 minutes away by car
- The Port of Sines is a 50-minute drive away
- The preparatory and secondary school is a 13-minute drive away

Key Features
- Private outdoor spaces
- Private pools
- Winery
- Spa
- Tennis court
- Restaurant
- Stables and riding arena
Maison 3 Pièces
Ourique, Distrito de Beja
En construction · 123m²
850.000 €
Two-bedroom villa with 123sqm of gross construction area and 178sqm of exterior area.

In the heart of Baixo Alentejo, in the district of Beja, lies Herdade da Torre Vã, a place where each visitor can write their own story. This visionary project, created by Architect João Mendes Ribeiro in collaboration with Architect André Tavares, celebrates the preservation and enhancement of the existing architectural, historical, landscape, and natural heritage.

In this enchanting refuge, besides a hotel, there is a set of 12 individual houses that harmonize with the landscape - the ’Casas da Herdade’. Each house, with types ranging from T1 to T2 and areas between 212 and 311 sq.m, features outdoor space and a private pool, offering an oasis of tranquility and comfort.

In this fabulous tourist development, in the guaranteed yield option, the owner will have the opportunity to enjoy three weeks annually, including weekends, plus three additional weekends, totaling 27 days to create unforgettable memories.
The interior design of the ’Casas da Herdade’ has been meticulously planned to minimize the exterior volume while ensuring maximum functionality and comfort. Inspired by traditional and contemporary rural constructions, all the houses have a layout that promotes interaction with the surrounding landscape, creating a private and family-friendly environment.

The surrounding landscape is a mix of hills and plateaus that invite inspiration and contemplation. The days are long and serene, bathed in the golden light of the sun that illuminates the Herdade’s vineyards. The old agricultural support buildings have been transformed into spaces with new uses, including the Hotel Restaurant, the innovative ’Innovation Hub’, the Winery, and the wine tasting and degustation area. Outside, in harmony with the main building, are the pool, stables and riding arena, tennis court, and SPA area.

Let yourself be enveloped by the peace of the countryside and discover at Herdade da Torre Vã the place where your dreams can come true.

Local Information
- Faro Airport is 1 hour and 15 minutes away by car
- The best beaches are approximately 55 minutes away by car
- The Port of Sines is a 50-minute drive away
- The preparatory and secondary school is a 13-minute drive away

Key Features
- Private outdoor spaces
- Private pools
- Winery
- Spa
- Tennis court
- Restaurant
- Stables and riding arena
Maison de campagne 3 Pièces
Garvão e Santa Luzia, Ourique, Distrito de Beja
Bon état · 98m²
450 €
Moradia com 2 quartos com quintal para arrendar próximo de Ourique, Disponível apos dia 07 de Outubro de 2024

Moradia de estilo rústico onde a pedra é o elemento predominante. localizada numa pequena aldeia muito calma, com comércios, aproximadamente a 3 km. estação do comboio a 7km, e a uma distancia apenas de 12km da cidade de Ourique, onde encontra todos os comércios e serviços e transportes. Situado no baixo Alentejo, perto da região do Algarve. Tem água , eletricidade, e telefone da rede publica, Internet por rede móvel e satélite

No interior :

2 Quartos
1 Sala
1 Cozinha com lareira
1 Casa de banho com duche

Aquecimento de água por esquentador.
Fogão de gás com forno.

No exterior

1 Espaço descoberto com arvores, todo murado e com portão
1 Mesa fixa
1 Churrasqueira
1 Alpendre coberto para refeições no exterior
( Alpendre é possível vir a ser utilizado como estacionamento coberto)

Se procura um local para ter uma vida calma, na natureza, com tudo o que necessita nas proximidades, esta casa é ideal para si.

Na Linha Recta os nossos passos são a pensar em si.
Maison 3 Pièces
Santa Cruz, Almodôvar, Distrito de Beja
Bon état · 80m²
95.000 €
Maison individuelle de 3 chambres, située dans le village de Corte Figueira, paroisse de Santa Cruz, commune d’Almodôvar. Il dispose d’une terrasse à côté de la maison. De l’autre côté de la rue il y a aussi un terrain avec quelques arbres fruitiers, pour potager ou jardin. Il dispose d’eau potable, d’égouts publics et d’électricité. La maison a fait l’objet d’une intervention au niveau de la toiture et du remplacement des sols. Éligible au financement bancaire. Il se trouve à 20 km d’Almodôvar et à 14 km d’Ameixial. Venez voir ce que pourrait être votre future maison.
Maison 3 Pièces
Mértola, Distrito de Beja
Bon état · 58m²
154.000 €
Villa traditionnelle dans le centre historique de Mértola.

Près du château et de l’église.

Villa Res do Chão avec sous-sol. Avec deux chambres et deux salons.

Rez-de-chaussée : cuisine, couloir, salon, salle de bains et une chambre.

Dans la chambre, un escalier mène au sous-sol.

Sous-sol avec une chambre et un salon.

Au centre de la ville avec tous les services à proximité.

Les chambres et le salon ont une vue sur la rivière.

La villa est vendue meublée.

Réservez votre visite.

** Nous vous assisterons tout au long du processus d’achat et de vente.
Maison 3 Pièces
Ourique, Distrito de Beja
En construction · 123m²
850.000 €
Two-bedroom villa with 123sqm of gross construction area and 173sqm of exterior area.

In the heart of Baixo Alentejo, in the district of Beja, lies Herdade da Torre Vã, a place where each visitor can write their own story. This visionary project, created by Architect João Mendes Ribeiro in collaboration with Architect André Tavares, celebrates the preservation and enhancement of the existing architectural, historical, landscape, and natural heritage.

In this enchanting refuge, besides a hotel, there is a set of 12 individual houses that harmonize with the landscape - the ’Casas da Herdade’. Each house, with types ranging from T1 to T2 and areas between 212 and 311 sq.m, features outdoor space and a private pool, offering an oasis of tranquility and comfort.

In this fabulous tourist development, in the guaranteed yield option, the owner will have the opportunity to enjoy three weeks annually, including weekends, plus three additional weekends, totaling 27 days to create unforgettable memories.
The interior design of the ’Casas da Herdade’ has been meticulously planned to minimize the exterior volume while ensuring maximum functionality and comfort. Inspired by traditional and contemporary rural constructions, all the houses have a layout that promotes interaction with the surrounding landscape, creating a private and family-friendly environment.

The surrounding landscape is a mix of hills and plateaus that invite inspiration and contemplation. The days are long and serene, bathed in the golden light of the sun that illuminates the Herdade’s vineyards. The old agricultural support buildings have been transformed into spaces with new uses, including the Hotel Restaurant, the innovative ’Innovation Hub’, the Winery, and the wine tasting and degustation area. Outside, in harmony with the main building, are the pool, stables and riding arena, tennis court, and SPA area.

Let yourself be enveloped by the peace of the countryside and discover at Herdade da Torre Vã the place where your dreams can come true.

Local Information
- Faro Airport is 1 hour and 15 minutes away by car
- The best beaches are approximately 55 minutes away by car
- The Port of Sines is a 50-minute drive away
- The preparatory and secondary school is a 13-minute drive away

Key Features
- Private outdoor spaces
- Private pools
- Winery
- Spa
- Tennis court
- Restaurant
- Stables and riding arena
Maison 3 Pièces
Ourique, Distrito de Beja
En construction · 123m²
850.000 €
Two-bedroom villa with 123sqm of gross construction area and 188sqm of exterior area.

In the heart of Baixo Alentejo, in the district of Beja, lies Herdade da Torre Vã, a place where each visitor can write their own story. This visionary project, created by Architect João Mendes Ribeiro in collaboration with Architect André Tavares, celebrates the preservation and enhancement of the existing architectural, historical, landscape, and natural heritage.

In this enchanting refuge, besides a hotel, there is a set of 12 individual houses that harmonize with the landscape - the ’Casas da Herdade’. Each house, with types ranging from T1 to T2 and areas between 212 and 311 sq.m, features outdoor space and a private pool, offering an oasis of tranquility and comfort.

In this fabulous tourist development, in the guaranteed yield option, the owner will have the opportunity to enjoy three weeks annually, including weekends, plus three additional weekends, totaling 27 days to create unforgettable memories.
The interior design of the ’Casas da Herdade’ has been meticulously planned to minimize the exterior volume while ensuring maximum functionality and comfort. Inspired by traditional and contemporary rural constructions, all the houses have a layout that promotes interaction with the surrounding landscape, creating a private and family-friendly environment.

The surrounding landscape is a mix of hills and plateaus that invite inspiration and contemplation. The days are long and serene, bathed in the golden light of the sun that illuminates the Herdade’s vineyards. The old agricultural support buildings have been transformed into spaces with new uses, including the Hotel Restaurant, the innovative ’Innovation Hub’, the Winery, and the wine tasting and degustation area. Outside, in harmony with the main building, are the pool, stables and riding arena, tennis court, and SPA area.

Let yourself be enveloped by the peace of the countryside and discover at Herdade da Torre Vã the place where your dreams can come true.

Local Information
- Faro Airport is 1 hour and 15 minutes away by car
- The best beaches are approximately 55 minutes away by car
- The Port of Sines is a 50-minute drive away
- The preparatory and secondary school is a 13-minute drive away

Key Features
- Private outdoor spaces
- Private pools
- Winery
- Spa
- Tennis court
- Restaurant
- Stables and riding arena
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